Most Canadians know little, if anything at all, about the role of the Canadian Air Force in the 1999 Kosovo Air War. Yet lives were at put at stake as mission dedication and military skill were pushed to the limit. Some of Canada’s most prominent journalists attempted to report on the war, but came away virtually empty handed. Daily briefings given at the National Defence Headquarters provide…
Prosiding ini terdiri dari makalah-makalah yang diundang dan makalah kontribusi yang dipresentasikan pada Konferensi Internasional ke-6 "Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems" (PLMMP-2014) yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 23-27 Mei 2014 di Kyiv, Ukraina. Pemahaman tentang sifat-sifat zat cair merupakan batu fondasi bagi banyak disiplin ilmu sains dan teknik termasuk fisika, kimia, teknik k…
This book is a comprehensive review of the detailed molecular mechanisms of and functional crosstalk among the replication, recombination, and repair of DNA (collectively called the "3Rs") and the related processes, with special consciousness of their biological and clinical consequences. The 3Rs are fundamental molecular mechanisms for organisms to maintain and sometimes intentionally alter ge…
It also covers heat-induced changes in milk, the use of exogenous enzymes in dairy processing, principal physical properties of milk, bioactive compounds in milk and comparison of milk of different species.
This book examines the corpus of status quo environmental legal regime, geographical issues and redundant “stakeholder claims,” which persist in the Arctic. It examines multifarious theories relating not only to conflicting and opposing interests, but also to parties to whom the shipping industry should be accountable. The unique aspect of this book is the Corporate Social responsibility an…
Bukti arkeologis sekarang mendukung bahwa obat-obatan dan berbagai operasi digunakan dalam pengobatan penyakit mata oleh orang Yunani kuno dan Mesopotamia, serta peradaban Lembah Indus selama zaman Veda. Potongan-potongan informasi ini sekarang dapat dilihat dalam transkrip terbaru yang diuraikan dari prasasti, skrip daun lontar, dan tablet. Kepercayaan takhayul orang-orang pada masa-masa seper…
Gatal adalah gejala yang sangat umum dari penyakit dermatologis dan sistemik dan berdampak serius pada kualitas hidup pasien. Kabar baiknya adalah bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan yang luar biasa dalam penelitian gatal dasar selama dekade terakhir, didorong oleh masuknya ahli biologi molekuler dan ahli neurofisiologi, dan tercermin dalam ulasan mutakhir yang sangat baik (mis., Biro et al. 2007; …
The papers in this volume provide an introduction to well known and established system identification methods for structural health monitoring and to more advanced, state-of-the-art tools, able to tackle the challenges associated with actual implementation. Starting with an overview on fundamental methods, introductory concepts are provided on the general framework of time and frequency domain,…
Buku tentang Produk Perawatan Pribadi di Lingkungan Perairan ini berisi informasi lengkap tentang nasib dan strategi penghilangan berbagai bahan yang digunakan sebagai produk perawatan pribadi dan lingkungan perairan serta dampaknya terhadap kesehatan manusia. Sebagian besar karya yang diterbitkan sejauh ini berkaitan dengan stabilitas produk komersial dan masalah yang berkaitan dengan penetras…
In 2007, the International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs together with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), both based in Hamburg, decided to establish an annual lecture series, the "Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs" - giving distinguished scholars and practitioners the opportunity to present and discuss recent developments in this field. The present …