After the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Austria transformed itself from an empire to a small Central European country. Formerly an important player in international affairs, the new republic was quickly sidelined by the European concert of powers. The enormous losses of territory and population in Austria’s post-Habsburg state of existence, however, did not result in a politic…
Penggunaan Klinis Mode Konvensional Dukungan Ventilator. Bagian VII. Penggunaan Klinis Mode Dukungan Ventilator Nonkonvensional. Bagian VIII. Manajemen Umum Pasien yang Didukung Ventilator. Bagian IX. Hiperkapnia Permisif. Bagian X. Terapi Tambahan pada Anak-anak dan Neonatus yang Berventilasi Mekanis. Bagian XI. Komplikasi Ventilasi Mekanis. Bagian XII. Bronkoskopi dalam Perawatan Intensif Ped…
experimental manipulations of deliberative engagement; nanotechnology public policy issues; education-oriented communications; experimental social science; science, technology and society; innovation policy; cognitive-affective engagement; polarization of public attitudes