Dieses Open Access Buch befasst sich mit Nachhaltiger Entwicklung unter Bedingungen eines rasanten globalen Wandels. Noch nie waren Menschen global so vernetzt und Informationen wurden so schnell um den Globus ausgetauscht wie heute, und trotzdem bestehen massive Ungleichheiten bei der gerechten Verteilung von Ressourcen, dem Schutz von Menschenrechten, dem Schutz der Natur und den gewährten H…
Gegenstand dieser Open Access Publikation sind die Auswirkungen automatisierter und vernetzter Fahrzeuge auf die Europäische Stadt sowie die Voraussetzungen, unter denen diese Technologie einen positiven Beitrag zur Stadtentwicklung leisten kann. Dabei vertreten die Autorinnen und Autoren zwei Thesen, die im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs bislang wenig Beachtung fanden:Automatisierte und vernetzte…
Based on extensive archival research, this open access book examines the poetics and politics of the Dublin Gate Theatre (est. 1928) over the first three decades of its existence, discussing some of its remarkable productions in the comparative contexts of avant-garde theatre, Hollywood cinema, popular culture, and the development of Irish-language theatre, respectively. The overarching objecti…
This open access book honors the work of Michael Cernea, who was the World Bank’s first professional sociologist, by taking on and extending his arguments for "putting people first.” Cernea led a community of social scientists in formulating and promoting a comprehensive set of innovative and original social policies on development issues, which the World Bank adopted and implemented. This …
This open access book has been written by ten Belgian health care professionals, nurses, university professors and doctors specializing in palliative care and ethicists who, together, raise questions concerning the practice of euthanasia. They share their experiences and reflections born out of their confrontation with requests for euthanasia and end-of-life support in a country where euthanas…
This open access book offers an overview of the beautiful, powerful, and dynamic array of opportunities to promote health through the arts from theoretical, methodological, pedagogical, and critical perspectives. This is the first-known text to connect the disparate inter-disciplinary literatures into a coherent volume for health promotion practitioners, researchers, and teachers. It provides a…