This open access book is about exploring interesting borderline cases of art. It discusses the cases of gustatory and olfactory artworks (focusing on food), proprioceptive artworks (dance, martial arts, and rock climbing qua proprioceptive experiences), intellectual artworks (philosophical and scientific theories), as well as the vague limits between painting and photography. The book focus…
This open access book provides a concise explanation of the fundamentals and background of the surround sound recording and playback technology Ambisonics. It equips readers with the psychoacoustical, signal processing, acoustical, and mathematical knowledge needed to understand the inner workings of modern processing utilities, special equipment for recording, manipulation, and reproduction in…
ABSTRACT The global film industry has witnessed significant transformations in the past few years. Regions outside the USA have begun to prosper while non-traditional production companies such as Netflix have assumed a larger market share and online movies adapted from literature have continued to gain in popularity. How have these trends shaped the global film industry? This book answers this…
Care and the City is a cross-disciplinary collection of chapters examining urban social spaces, in which caring and uncaring practices intersect and shape people’s everyday lives. While asking how care and uncare are embedded in the urban condition, the book focuses on inequalities in caring relations and the ways they are acknowledged, reproduced, and overcome in various spaces, discourses, …
Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales provides professionals with guidance on adapting the built environment to a changing climate. This edited volume brings together practitioners and researchers to discuss climate-related resilience from the building to the city scale. This book highlights North American cases that deal with issues such as climate projections, public health, adaptiv…
Modernitas perkotaan di Teluk kontemporer menawarkan diskusi yang tepat waktu dan menarik tentang produksi arsitektur di era modernisasi di Jazirah Arab. Berfokus pada abad ke-20 sebagai titik awal, buku ini mengeksplorasi tampilan praktik arsitektur transnasional yang menghasilkan berbagai gagasan tentang lokalitas, kosmopolitanisme, dan modernitas. Secara kontekstual, dengan memperhatikan mas…
Memenuhi kebutuhan pasar akan informasi tentang cara mengoperasikan fasilitas berkelanjutan dan mengurangi emisi karbon, Green Facilities Handbook menjelaskan dengan jelas mengapa bisnis hijau adalah bisnis yang baik dan menggambarkan strategi praktis untuk menghijaukan operasi Anda dalam energi dan manajemen. Buku ini membahas berbagai isu dalam penghijauan fasilitas, termasuk pertimbangan keb…
Kota-kota setelah krisis menunjukkan bagaimana urbanisme dan desain perkotaan mendefinisikan ulang kota setelah krisis kesehatan, ekonomi, dan lingkungan global selama beberapa dekade terakhir. Buku ini merinci bagaimana krisis ini telah menghasilkan visi perkotaan baru—dari desain modern avant-garde hingga estetika artistik yang menyerukan kesederhanaan dan keseharian, dari paradigma pembang…
This book investigates news use patterns among five different generations in a time where digital media create a multi-choice media environment. The book introduces the EPIG Model (Engagement-Participation-Information-Generation) to study how different generational cohorts’ exposure to political information is related to their political engagement and participation. The authors build on a …
Decolonizing Colonial Heritage explores how different agents practice the decolonization of European colonial heritage at European and extra-European locations. Assessing the impact of these practices, the book also explores what a new vision of Europe in the postcolonial present could look like. Including contributions from academics, artists and heritage practitioners, the volume explores …