The use of new information and communication technologies both inside the courts and in private online dispute resolution services is quickly changing everyday conflict management. However, the implications of the increasingly disruptive role of technology in dispute resolution remain largely undiscussed. In this book, assistant professor of law and digitalisation Riikka Koulu examines the mult…
Drawing on a number of disciplines and an ethnographic analysis of 250 Facebook political groups, Marichal explores how Facebook's emphasis on social connection impacts key dimensions of political participation: e.g. mobilization, deliberation, and attitude formation.
Many nutrition science and food production myths and misconceptions dominate the health and fitness field, and many athletes and active consumers unknowingly embrace a myriad of what can be deemed “junk science” which has now infiltrated many related science fields. Consumers simply have no reliable source to help them navigate through all the hype and fabrication, leaving them vulnerable t…
In recent years, new paradigms have emerged to replace-or augment-the traditional, mathematically based approaches to optimization. The most powerful of these are genetic algorithms (GA), inspired by natural selection, and genetic programming, an extension of GAs based on the optimization of symbolic codes. Robust Control Systems with Genetic Algorithms builds a bridge between genetic algori…
The time span covered by The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress starts in the nineteenth century, with the aftermath of the consumers’ revolution, and reaches all the way to the present. The fashion and garment industries have been international from the beginning and, as such, this volume looks at the history of fashion and dress through the lenses of both international and global histor…
In the development of next-generation nanoscale devices, higher speed and lower power operation is the name of the game. Increasing reliance on mobile computers, mobile phone, and other electronic devices demands a greater degree of speed and power. As chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) progressively becomes perceived less as black art and more as a cutting-edge technology, it is emerging …
Tunnelling has become a fragmented process, excessively influenced by lawyers'notions of confrontational contractual bases. This prevents the pooling of skills, essential to the achievement of the promoters' objectives. Tunnelling: Management by Design seeks the reversal of this trend. After a brief historical treatment of selected developments, th
Autisme adalah ide yang sangat diperdebatkan. Fokus buku ini bukanlah apa itu autisme atau apa itu orang autis, melainkan bergulat dengan pertanyaan sentral: apa yang diperlukan orang autis untuk berpartisipasi dalam dunia bersama yang setara dengan orang lain? Menggambar dari bacaannya yang cermat terhadap berbagai teks dan narasi, oleh penulis autis, pembuat film, blogger, dan akademisi, Anna…
Buku ini secara langsung membantu para pengambil keputusan dan agen perubahan di perusahaan, LSM, dan badan pemerintah menjadi lebih ahli dalam perubahan kolaboratif yang transformatif dalam mewujudkan SDG. Buku pegangan praktisi ini menerjemahkan pendekatan kolaborasi yang sistemik dan menyegarkan ke dalam pekerjaan dan manajemen sehari-hari. Buku ini menghubungkan praktik kolaborasi multi-pem…
Sistem teknologi besar, seperti pelabuhan laut, stasiun tenaga nuklir, ladang angin, dan ekstraksi gas alam, menyediakan fungsi vital bagi masyarakat. Namun, sistem teknologi besar ini berdampak pada berbagai kelompok pemangku kepentingan baik secara positif maupun negatif. Buku ini mendefinisikan inovasi yang bertanggung jawab dan menjelaskan bagaimana proses inovasi dan hasil inovasi yang dih…