This open access volume showcases the intersection of geophysics and archaeology on a global scale, emphasising the evolution and application of geophysical methods in archaeological research and cultural heritage management. It compiles contributions from 74 experts based in 18 countries, with their research and case studies spanning across 24 different countries, focusing on the use of near-s…
This open access volume provides for the first time a comprehensive description and scientific evaluation of underwater archaeological finds referring to human occupation of the continental shelf around the coastlines of Europe and the Mediterranean when sea levels were lower than present. These are the largest body of underwater finds worldwide, amounting to over 2500 find spots, ranging from …
This open access peer-reviewed volume was inspired by the UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwater Archaeology International Workshop held at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia in November 2016. Content is based on, but not limited to, the work presented at the workshop which was dedicated to 3D recording and interpretation for maritime archaeology. The volume consists of contributions from …
This open access volume raises awareness of the histories, geographies, and practices of universities and analyzes their role as key actors in today’s global knowledge economy. Universities are centers of research, teaching, and expertise with significant economic, social, and cultural impacts at different geographical scales. Scholars from a variety of disciplines and countries offer origina…
This is an open access book. Unique in its scope, this book provides for the first time a Southern European perspective on prehistoric wetland settlements and their natural environment. These are dwellings originally built in humid locations, i.e. on shores and in shallow water areas of lakes, bogs, marshes, rivers, estuaries and lagoons. The relevant archaeological remains are in most cases wa…
Volume kritis dan berbasis empiris ini meneliti berbagai model Nordik yang ada, memberikan perhatian inovatif secara analitis terhadap berbagai gagasan, gambar, dan pengalaman yang beredar yang disebut sebagai "Nordik". Buku ini membahas paradoks terkait serta pola sirkulasi, klaim tentang keistimewaan model Nordik, dan penyebaran serta dampak pengalaman dan gagasan Nordik. Dengan menyediakan s…
“Sejarah dari kekalahan” menantang pemikiran umum bahwa "sejarah ditulis oleh para pemenang" dan mengeksplorasi bagaimana para pembuat sejarah di berbagai waktu dan tempat di seluruh dunia telah menulis sejarah dari kehilangan, bahkan ketika hal ini mengancam keselamatan mereka sendiri. Sekelompok sejarawan terkemuka dari seluruh dunia menawarkan pengantar tentang kehidupan dan ide para pe…
Guru Sekolah dan Model Nordik meneliti kekhasan budaya profesi guru Nordik dan pelatihan guru dibandingkan dengan contoh-contoh dari Eropa dan Amerika Utara. Buku ini mengeksplorasi konsep 'budaya guru' ini sebagai berbagai dimensi identitas profesional, pola rekrutmen, status sosial, nilai, dan pengetahuan guru. Buku ini mempertimbangkan bagaimana latar belakang sosial budaya guru Nordik dan p…
Recently, literary critics and some historians have argued that to use the language of separate spheres is to "mistake fiction for reality." However, the tendency in this criticism is to ignore the work of feminist political theorists who argue that a range of ideologies of the public and private consistently work to mask gender inequalities. In Keeping Up Her Geography, Tanya Ann Kenedy argues…
Games of History provides an understanding of how games as artefacts, textual and visual sources on games and gaming as a pastime or a “serious” activity can be used as sources for the study of history. From the vast world of games, the book’s focus is on board and card games, with reference to physical games, sports and digital games as well. Considering culture, society, politics and…