Public spending on infrastructure plays an important role in promoting economic growth and poverty alleviation. Empirical studies unequivocally show that under-investment in infrastructure limit economic growth. At the same time, numerous other studies have shown that investment in infrastructure can be a highly effective tool in fighting poverty reduction1. In that context, the financing of in…
Buku akses terbuka LNCS 13353 ini merupakan hasil dari Konferensi Internasional ke-7 tentang Pemungutan Suara Elektronik, E-Vote-ID 2022, yang diadakan di Bregenz, Austria, pada bulan Oktober 2022. 10 makalah lengkap yang dipresentasikan telah ditinjau dengan saksama dan dipilih dari 39 kiriman. Konferensi ini mengumpulkan perdebatan paling relevan tentang pengembangan Pemungutan Suara Elektron…
Survei Mutakhir akses terbuka ini menjelaskan dan mendokumentasikan perkembangan dan hasil dari Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP). Once-Only Principle (OOP) merupakan bagian dari tujuh prinsip dasar Rencana Aksi eGovernment 2016-2020. Prinsip ini bertujuan untuk membuat pemerintah lebih efektif dan mengurangi beban administratif dengan meminta warga negara dan perusahaan untuk memberikan infor…
This open access book analyses barriers and challenges associated with the financing of clean energy access in sub-Saharan Africa. By considering various economic, financial, political, environmental and social factors, it explores the consequences of energy poverty across the region and maps the real and perceived investment risks for potential capital providers, both domestic and internationa…
This short open access book investigates the role of renewable energy in East Africa to provide policy-relevant inputs for the achievement of a cost-effective electrification process in the region. For each country, the authors review the current situation in the domestic power sector, adopt a GIS-based approach to plot renewable energy resources potential, and review currently planned projects…
This open access book presents a picture of the current energy challenges on the African continent (and the Sub-Saharan region in particular) and proposes pathways to an accelerated energy transition. Starting with an analysis of the status quo and the outlook for Africa’s energy demand and energy access, it provides an account of the available resources, including hydrocarbons and renewable …
This book focuses on the global cycles of energy, water and carbon, which are not only the essentials of our main energy carriers, the fossil fuels, but are also the building blocks of life. The book offers an overview of the basic scientific facts and relationships that are needed to understand today’s energy generation and use, how they relate to global climate, the water cycle and other re…
This open access book discusses firm valuation, which is of interest to economists, particularly those working in finance. Firm valuation comes down to the calculation of the discounted cash flow, often only referred to by its abbreviation, DCF. There are, however, different coexistent versions, which seem to compete against each other, such as entity approaches and equity approaches. Acronyms …
This open access textbook is the first to provide Business and Economics Ph.D. students with a precise and intuitive introduction to the formal backgrounds of modern financial theory. It explains Brownian motion, random processes, measures, and Lebesgue integrals intuitively, but without sacrificing the necessary mathematical formalism, making them accessible for readers with little or no previ…
This open access book explores the key barriers and facilitators to advancing meaningful and fulfilling academic careers in the higher education sector for Australian Indigenous doctoral graduates. It focuses on the career trajectories of Indigenous early career researchers who have participated in the Developing Indigenous Australian Early Career Researchers study, funded by the Australian Res…