Perdebatan tentang gender terjadi di mana-mana. Apakah itu identitas batin, fakta biologis, atau sistem yang menindas? Haruskah kita menghormatinya atau menolaknya? What Even Is Gender? mengalihkan pembicaraan ke arah yang baru, dengan menyatakan bahwa perdebatan ini berlandaskan pada kesalahan bersama: gagasan bahwa ada satu hal yang disebut "gender" yang diperdebatkan oleh kedua belah pihak. …
This study considers the instabilities that result when an electron beam is injected into a plasma. A number of different models of the system are considered, and all instabilities are classified according to whether they are convective instabilities (amplifying waves) or nonconvective (absolute) instabilities. The study also analyzes the instabilities in unbounded beam-plasma systems and in sy…
"The MIT Press."This study considers the instabilities that result when an electron beam is injected into a plasma. A number of different models of the system are considered, and all instabilities are classified according to whether they are convective instabilities (amplifying waves) or nonconvective (absolute) instabilities. The study also analyzes the instabilities in unbounded beam-plasma s…