This volume presents a comprehensive, up to date and practical approach to creating an ERAS program for GI surgery. The first sections review the evidence underlying individual elements of ERAS, including evidence from laparoscopic procedures when available or pointing to evidence gaps where more research is required. These are written by experts in the field, including surgeons, anesthesiologi…
This volume presents a comprehensive, up to date and practical approach to creating an ERAS program for GI surgery. The first sections review the evidence underlying individual elements of ERAS, including evidence from laparoscopic procedures when available or pointing to evidence gaps where more research is required. These are written by experts in the field, including surgeons, anesthesiologi…
Operasi Kanker Panggul, Terobosan Modern dan Kemajuan Masa Depan; Bagian I. Pelatihan dan Lingkungan untuk Operasi Panggul, Bagian II. Urologi, Bagian III. Ginekologi, Bagian IV. Kolorektal