Kata Pengantar oleh Lashon Booker. Memprogram robot otonom agar dapat bertindak dengan andal dalam lingkungan yang dinamis merupakan tugas yang rumit. Dinamika lingkungan tidak dapat diprediksi, dan sensor robot memberikan masukan yang bising. Robot otonom yang dapat belajar, yaitu robot yang dapat memperoleh pengetahuan melalui interaksi dengan lingkungannya dan kemudian menyesuaikan perilakun…
"A Bradford book."An overview of the rapidly growing field of ant colony optimization that describes theoretical findings, the major algorithms, and current applications.The complex social behaviors of ants have been much studied by science, and computer scientists are now finding that these behavior patterns can provide models for solving difficult combinatorial optimization problems. The atte…
"A Bradford book."Foreword by Lashon BookerTo program an autonomous robot to act reliably in a dynamic environment is a complex task. The dynamics of the environment are unpredictable, and the robots' sensors provide noisy input. A learning autonomous robot, one that can acquire knowledge through interaction with its environment and then adapt its behavior, greatly simplifies the designer's wor…