Scholars from across law and internet and media studies examine the human rights implications of today's platform society. Today such companies as Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter play an increasingly important role in how users form and express opinions, encounter information, debate, disagree, mobilize, and maintain their privacy. What are the human rights implications of an on…
Menjelaskan cara menggunakan algoritme prediktif untuk membantu mengontrol perubahan kadar glukosa darah, Melengkapi pembaca dengan informasi praktis untuk membantu mereka merancang perangkat yang lebih efisien untuk pemantauan glukosa darah, Mendemonstrasikan keefektifan metode yang dibahas menggunakan data pasien nyata --> Terapi insulin diabetes standar untuk diabetes tipe 1 dan stadium akhi…
The idea of combining drugs and diagnostics in oncology is not new. When the selective estrogen-receptor modulator tamoxifen was developed in the 1970s for the treatment of breast cancer, data on estrogen-receptor status were correlated with the treatment outcome. Based on a phase II study performed in patients with advanced breast cancer, published in 1976, the investigators concluded:“a h…
Predicting the time needed to complete a project, task or daily activity can be difficult and people frequently underestimate how long an activity will take. This book sheds light on why and when this happens, what we should do to avoid it and how to give more realistic time predictions. It describes methods for predicting time usage in situations with high uncertainty, explains why two plus tw…
Med antologiens titel Den Ufærdige Ftremtid – Aktionsforskningens Potentialer og Udfordringer ønsker vi at understrege aktionsforskningens grundforståelse af, at fremtiden er ufærdig. De store samfundsmæssige udfordringer for demokratisk og bæredygtig udvikling kræver engageret forskning med både lokalt og globalt udsyn. Aktionsforskning har potentiale hertil. Bogen præsenterer ny ak…
The time prediction and planning capacity of the human race is particularly evident in some of the early great constructions. An excellent example is the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza, around 4500 years ago. We do not know much about the methods they used to predict the time needed and how they managed to finish the pyramid before the pharaoh’s death. Most likely, their time and resou…