Kutipan ini membahas pentingnya memahami dan menangani ketidakpastian data dalam konteks pemrosesan data, terutama dengan munculnya infrastruktur siber yang memungkinkan pemrosesan data heterogen dalam jumlah besar. Berikut rincian poin-poin penting: 1. Motivasi: Bagian ini menekankan pentingnya memahami bagaimana ketidakpastian data mempengaruhi hasil pengolahan data. Laporan ini mencatat bahw…
This book is devoted to the analysis of causal inference which is one of the most difficult tasks in data analysis: when two phenomena are observed to be related, it is often difficult to decide whether one of them causally influences the other one, or whether these two phenomena have a common cause. This analysis is the main focus of this volume. To get a good understanding of the causal i…
This book demonstrates how to describe and analyze a system's behavior and extract the desired prediction and control algorithms from this analysis. A typical prediction is based on observing similar situations in the past, knowing the outcomes of these past situations, and expecting that the future outcome of the current situation will be similar to these past observed outcomes. In mathematica…