"Dalam Snap to Grid, panduan istimewa untuk era telematika interaktif, Peter Lunenfeld memetakan lintasan yang telah ditelusuri oleh teknologi digital pada imajinasi budaya kita. Evaluasinya terhadap media baru mencakup diskusi yang penuh semangat - yang diinformasikan oleh wacana teknologi, estetika, dan teori budaya - tentang seniman, desainer, dan pembuat digital yang paling penting. "Snap t…
The Digital Diolectic is an interdisciplinary jam session about our visual and intellectual cultures as the computer recodes technologies, media, and art forms. Unlike purely academic texts on new media, the book includes contributions by scholars, artists, and entrepreneurs, who combine theoretical investigations with hands-on analysis of the possibilities (and limitations) of new technology. …
"In Snap to Grid, an idiosyncratic guide to the interactive, telematic era, Peter Lunenfeld maps out the trajectories that digital technologies have traced upon our cultural imaginary. His evaluation of new media includes an impassioned discussion - informed by the discourses of technology, aesthetics, and cultural theory - of the digital artists, designers, and makers who matter most. "Snap to…
A visionary report on the revitalization of the liberal arts tradition in the electronically inflected, design-driven, multimedia language of the twenty-first century. Digital_Humanities is a compact, game-changing report on the state of contemporary knowledge production. Answering the question “What is digital humanities?,” it provides an in-depth examination of an emerging field. This col…