It is our hope that the successful student who completes a class using all or some of this text will have improved skills with application inside the discipline of philosophy, but also with application to work in other disciplines within academia. Our ultimate goal, however, is to help people develop techniques which support curiosity, open-mindedness, and an ability to collaborate successfully…
Career and life planning is a lifetime process and this course is designed to equip you with the tools necessary to navigate each step of the way. This course is divided into six units to guide you through the career exploration and planning process. Unit 1: Getting Started: Creating Your Career & Life Planning Vision: Introduces the career exploration and planning process and highlights im…
This open access book presents the findings from on-site research into radioactive cesium contamination in various agricultural systems affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in March 2011. This third volume in the series reports on studies undertaken at contaminated sites such as farmland, forests, and marine and freshwater environments, with a particular focus on lives…
Career and life planning is a lifetime process and this course is designed to equip you with the tools necessary to navigate each step of the way. This course is divided into six units to guide you through the career exploration and planning process
Paediatrics is often thought of as following two main routes. One is that of ultra-technology and ever-narrower specialization. The other is recognition of child health in a community context, related to family circumstances (especially the health and welfare of mothers) and influenced by the environment, social stresses, economic limitations, cultural attitudes and practices, and policy decisi…
In Unit One, you will have the opportunity to identify your self-talk habits and how it impacts your everyday life and college success. You will learn about growth and fixed mindset as it relates to learning. We often think we are open to learning yet, we can create our own mental blocks. We will review emotional intelligence and the importance of navigating your responses to unexpected outc…