Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch. Das Recht auf Gesundheit und Wohlergehen steht allen Menschen zu, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht, Beeinträchtigung oder anderen Vielfaltsmerkmalen. Auf die enge Verknüpfung von gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe und bestmöglicher Gesundheit macht das Gemeinschaftswerk aufmerksam. Es weist auf Exklusions- und Isolationsrisiken hin, zeigt Erfahrungen aus der Coron…
Martin Weißmann legt in diesem Open-Access-Buch theoretische Synthesen zu zentralen Themen der interdisziplinären Polizeiforschung vor und leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Integration dieser ansonsten oft empiristischen Forschung in die stärker theorieorientierte Soziologie. Er schlägt vor, (Kriminal-)Polizeien als Fall misstrauischer Sozialsysteme zu analysieren. Wie beispielsweise auch Geh…
Some years ago this book was born into thought by the perception of its fundamental principle, and it has been growing ever since. During the intervening years this principle and its allied ideas have been presented more or less fully in the form of independent class lectures to many groups of persons. It is with hesitation that it is now offered to the public in its present form, because it is…
This open access book offers a timely and comprehensive review of the field of neurotronics. Gathering cutting-edge contributions from neuroscientists, biologists, psychologists, as well as physicists, microelectronics engineers and information scientists, it gives extensive information on fundamental information pathways in selected nervous systems. It also highlights their relevance as buildi…
This open access book contributes not only to the scientific literature on sustainable agricultural development and in particular rice agriculture but also is highly valuable to assist practitioners, projects, and policymakers due to its sections on reducing carbon footprint, agricultural innovations, and lessons learned from a multi-country/multi-stages development project. The scope of …
Apa yang dapat dilakukan manusia? Apa yang dapat dilakukan mesin? Bagaimana manusia mendelegasikan tindakan kepada mesin? Dalam buku ini, Harry Collins dan Martin Kusch menggabungkan wawasan dari sosiologi dan filsafat untuk memberikan jawaban baru atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang semakin penting ini. Para penulis mulai dengan membedakan antara dua jenis dasar perilaku yang disengaja, yang merek…
At the close of the 19th century, industrialization and urbanization marked the end of the traditional understanding of society as rooted in agriculture. This book examines the construction of an urban-centred, industrial-based culture - an entirely new social reality based on science and technology.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
Dalam buku ini, para ahli terkemuka di bidang dermatologi dan onkologi menjelaskan penggunaan terapi radiasi untuk pengobatan berbagai macam keganasan dermatologi – termasuk karsinoma sel basal, karsinoma sel skuamosa, limfoma kulit, sarkoma Kaposi, melanoma, dan tumor sel Merkel – serta lesi prakanker dan gangguan dermatologi non-ganas yang dapat diobati dengan terapi radiasi. Dalam setiap…