Pasar karbon - baik sistem perdagangan emisi maupun sistem baseline dan kredit merupakan instrumen kebijakan yang semakin umum diperkenalkan untuk mengatasi mitigasi perubahan iklim. Namun, desain mereka sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa mereka memberikan pengurangan emisi yang hemat biaya sambil menjaga integritas lingkungan. Elemen ini menyatukan tinjauan risiko dan penyalahgunaan yang k…
This text presents a basic guide of the principles and applications of ultrasound in the critical care setting. The text also addresses the basic and clinical uses of ultrasound, including clinical cases at the end of each of the 7 sections of the clinical subdivisions. The final chapters focus on the issues of training, certification, credentialing and billing. These discussions make the text …
In his 35 years of teaching medical students and trainees Professor Gabor Kovacs, International Medical Director of Monash IVF, has devised a system of lectures which cover the entire core curriculum in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The principle behind these lectures is to help the student understand various aspects of the specialty, rather than simply learning the key topics, and encourages ong…
This books discusses the design, electrical simulation and layout of a 2nd-order ∑∆ analog-to-digital converter (ADC), using oxide thin-film transistors (TFTs) technology. The authors provide a unified view of materials science and electronics engineering, in order to guide readers from both fields through key topics. To accomplish this goal, background regarding materials, device physics, …
This collection features essays by leading scholars on the philosophical, theological, poetic and cultural aspects of lament, touching on the textual traditions of lament in Judaism, from Biblical, rabbinic and medieval iterations to contemporary Yemenite oral lamentations. The volume also includes four texts on lament by Gershom Scholem, translated here for the first time into English, as well…
Der Band diskutiert die Bedeutung von Evidenzbasierung in der Gesundheitskommunikation.
Managing Modern Healthcare seeks to draw a number of important and grounded lessons about how management networks develop and influence the spread of management knowledge and practice; how management training and development relates to the needs of managers facing challenging conditions; and how those conditions are shaping the nature of healthcare management.
Volume 2 of History of Construction Cultures contains papers presented at the 7ICCH – Seventh International Congress on Construction History, held at the Lisbon School of Architecture, Portugal, from 12 to 16 July, 2021. The conference has been organized by the Lisbon School of Architecture (FAUL), NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Portuguese Society for Construction History …
History of Construction Cultures Volume 1 contains papers presented at the 7ICCH – Seventh International Congress on Construction History, held at the Lisbon School of Architecture, Portugal, from 12 to 16 July, 2021. The conference has been organized by the Lisbon School of Architecture (FAUL), NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Portuguese Society for Construction History Stu…
The use of trace elements to promote biogas production features prominently on the agenda for many biogas-producing companies. However, the application of the technique is often characterized by trial-and-error methodology due to the ambiguous and scarce basic knowledge on the impact of trace elements in anaerobic biotechnologies under different process conditions. This book describes and defin…