Ilmu pengetahuan hayati berkembang pesat setiap harinya. Peningkatan genomik dan teknik analisis terkait sangat mendorong perkembangan pesat transkriptomik, proteomik, metabolomik, dan fenomenik. Dengan demikian, sarana integrasi sistem dapat digunakan untuk mengungkapkan fenomena kehidupan di berbagai tingkatan. Pemikiran dan metode penelitian di atas melahirkan biologi sistem. Metabolomik mer…
Ikhtisar: Tujuan dari buku ini adalah untuk mempertimbangkan beberapa perusahaan teknologi yang telah memberikan kontribusi penting dalam bidang komputasi. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan pengenalan singkat kepada setiap perusahaan yang dipilih dan memberikan penjelasan singkat tentang kontribusi utamanya. Karena keterbatasan ruang, tidak memungkinkan untuk mempertimbangkan semua perusahaan t…
Warna terdapat di mana-mana di alam, khususnya pada organisme hidup, mulai dari bakteri dan jamur hingga tumbuhan dan hewan. Banyak organisme yang telah mengembangkan warna khasnya sendiri yang bervariasi menurut bagian dan tahap perkembangannya. Warna-warna ini tidak hanya dekoratif dan menarik secara visual, tetapi juga penting secara biologis dalam reproduksi, koevolusi, dan kelangsungan eko…
The recent pursuits emerging in the realm of big data processing, interpretation, collection and organization have emerged in numerous sectors including business, industry and government organizations. Data sets such as customer transactions for a mega-retailer, weather monitoring, intelligence gathering, quickly outpace the capacities of traditional techniques and tools of data analysis. The 3…
This book explains the relationships between equality and efficiency, as well as between government and market, in urban-rural and regional development by providing theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence. Urban-rural development in China is understood from a regional perspective, while the core issue of urban-rural and regional development is cross-regional resource reallocation driven b…
This volume is a unique combination of papers that cover critical topics in biostatistics from academic, government, and industry perspectives. The 6 sections cover Bayesian methods in biomedical research; Diagnostic medicine and classification; Innovative Clinical Trials Design; Modelling and Data Analysis; Personalized Medicine; and Statistical Genomics. The real world applications are in cli…
In the process of industrialization and urbanization, the phenomenon of cancer villages appears in many places of China. Although the relationship between pollution and cancer is hard to distinguish in most of those cancer
This book presents a comprehensive and up-to-date overview on soils of Taiwan. It includes sections on soil research history, climate, geology, geomorphology, major soil types, soil maps, soil properties, soil classification, soil fertility, land use and vegetation, soil management, soils and humans, soils and industry, future soil issues. The book summarizes what is known about the soils in Ta…
This book explains how investor behavior, from mental accounting to the combustible interplay of hope and fear, affects financial economics. The transformation of portfolio theory begins with the identification of anomalies. Gaps in perception and behavioral departures from rationality spur momentum, irrational exuberance, and speculative bubbles. Behavioral accounting undermines the rational p…
CMOS Test and Evaluation: A Physical Perspective is a single source for an integrated view of test and data analysis methodology for CMOS products, covering circuit sensitivities to MOSFET characteristics, impact of silicon technology process variability, applications of embedded test structures and sensors, product yield, and reliability over the lifetime of the product. This book also covers …