The ongoing crisis in Europe has dramatic impact on the life in many Southern European cities: Unemployment, social deprivation, poverty, political instability, severe cuts in the welfare state budgets and a wide spread feeling of despair have eroded much of the social foundation of the cities
This volume is an analytical summary and a critical synthesis of research at the International Water Management Institute over the past decade under its evolving research paradigm known popularly as 'more crop per drop'. The research synthesized here covers the full range of issues falling in the larger canvas of water-food-health-environment interface. Besides its immediate role in sharing kno…
ADHS - neue Facetten und Schnittstellen zu anderen Störungsbildern: Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) zählt mit einer Prävalenz von 2–6 % zu den häufigsten psychischen Störungen im Kindes-, Jugend- und Erwachsenenalter. Trotz nationaler und internationaler Leitlinien sowie einer kaum zu überschauenden Vielfalt an Publikationen bleiben nach wie vor viele relevan…
Northern Australia is one of few tropical places left on Earth in which biodiversity—and the ecological processes underpinning that biodiversity—is still relatively intact. However, scientific knowledge of that biodiversity is still in its infancy and the region remains a frontier for biological discovery. The butterfly and diurnal moth assemblages of the area, and their intimate associatio…
This volume is an analytical summary and a critical synthesis of research at the International Water Management Institute over the past decade under its evolving research paradigm known popularly as 'more crop per drop'. The research synthesized here covers the full range of issues falling in the larger canvas of water-food-health-environment interface. Besides its immediate role in sharing kno…
Frank Fenner’s life, as it unfolds in these pages, marks a significant piece of thehistory of Australian science. His chapters are studded with the names of manyof the major players in pathology, microbiology and the rising field of virologywith whose lives he interconnected, and his mode of inserting boxed informationon these participants throughout his text provides valuable biograp…
Advances in Carbon Management Technologies comprises 43 chapters contributed by experts from all over the world. Volume 1 of the book, containing 23 chapters, discusses the status of technologies capable of yielding substantial reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from major combustion sources. Such technologies include renewable energy sources that can replace fossil fuels and technologies to…
Thirty-five years after its initial success as a form of technologically assisted human reproduction, and five million miracle babies later, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has become a routine procedure worldwide. In Biological Relatives, Sarah Franklin explores how the normalization of IVF has changed how both technology and biology are understood. Drawing on anthropology, feminist theory, and s…
What steps are needed to make life better and more convivial? The Second Convivialist Manifesto (2020) has presented a short diagnosis of the current crises and sketches of a possible and desirable future. It has been a necessary work of theoretical synthesis, but preserving a viable world also requires passion. It is thus urgent to show what people would gain from a shift to a post-neoliberal …
Although vastly influential in German-speaking Europe, conceptual history (Begriffsgeschichte) has until now received little attention in English. This genre of intellectual history differs from both the French history of mentalités and the Anglophone history of discourses by positing the concept - the key occupier of significant syntactical space - as the object of historical investigation. C…