Cataract surgery is one of the most frequently performed procedure in the United States, and cataracts are a leading cause of visual impairment in the world. Glaucoma is also a very common eye disease with an expected 3.3 million Americans afflicted with primary open angle glaucoma by 2020. The coexistence of these two diseases is not uncommon and management of a cataract can have significant i…
Ludwig Boltzmann's grave in Vienna's Central Cemetery bears a cryptic epitaph: S = k log W. This equation was Boltzmann's great discovery, and it contributed significantly to our understanding of the second law of thermodynamics. In Anxiety and the Equation, Eric Johnson tells the story of a man and his equation: the anxiety-plagued nineteenth-century physicist who did his most important work a…
Like the ancient inquiries into the nature of things, contemporary continental realism and materialism, from Deleuze to the Speculative Realists, embraces a commitment to investigate beings, without subordinating it to analyses of language, consciousness, texts or the social.This pensée brute, traditionally known as metaphysics, dares to question the one and the many, the potential and the a…
ABSTRACT The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license. An exploration of how global pharmaceutical products are localized - of what happens when they become ‘glocal’ - this book examines the tensions that exist between a global pharmaceutical market a…
This book looks at questions of intellectual property rights (IPR) -- historically, culturally, and politically -- and their relationship to law and the state. Arguing that the idea that intellectual property is another kind of property right (that is, that IP is a thing to be owned) exists in parallel with the idea that intellectual property is the consequence of a cultural process, Andrews di…
Pemrograman Bash Pro mengajarkan Anda cara memanfaatkan shell Bash secara efektif dalam pemrograman Anda. Pembaca akan melihat bagaimana, tanpa pengetahuan Unix, mereka dapat menulis program Bash 4.3 profesional melalui teknik pemrograman standar.--> Sepertinya Anda telah menyebutkan judul "Pemrograman Pro Bash; Membuat Skrip Shell GNU / Linux", tetapi Anda belum memberikan detail spesifik apa …
"Mount Lamington broke out in violent eruption on 21 January 1951, killing thousands of Orokaiva people, devastating villages and destroying infrastructure. Generations of Orokaiva people had lived on the rich volcanic soils of Mount Lamington, apparently unaware of the deadly volcanic threat that lay dormant beneath them. Also unaware were the Europeans who administered the Territory of Papua …
"Theory into Practice. Composition, Performance and the Listening Experience' is the second publication in the series 'Collected Writings of the Orpheus Institute'. The series comprises articles concerning the activities of the Orpheus Institute. The centrale theme of this book is the relationship between the reflections about and the relization of a musical composition. In his paper Words abou…
The understandings which children have of Indigenous identity provide means by which to explore the ways in which Indigenous identity is both projected and constructed in society. These understandings play a powerful part in the ways in which Indigenous peoples are positioned in the mainstream society with which they are connected. The research presented in this edited collection uses childrenâ…
This reference offers the nuanced understanding and practical guidance needed to address domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking in diverse religious communities. Introductory chapters sort through the complexities, from abusers' distorting of sacred texts to justifying their actions to survivors' conflicting feelings toward their faith. The core of the book surveys findings on…