Following consistent and rapid general economic growth, Pacific Rim countries have grown as a major force in sports. Australia, China, Japan and Korea populated the top ten medals list at the 2012 London Olympics. Pacific Rim countries are major consumers of international sports and domestic professional sports have expanded continuously over time. Nippon Professional Baseball and the Korean Ba…
Why dominant racial and gender groups have preferential access to jobs in computing, and how feminist labor activism in computing culture can transform the field into a force that serves democracy and social justice. Cracking the Bro Code is a bold ethnographic study of sexism and racism in contemporary computing cultures theorized through the analytical frame of the “Bro Code.” Drawing …
How marketers learned to dream of optimization and speak in the idiom of management science well before the widespread use of the Internet. Algorithms, data extraction, digital marketers monetizing "eyeballs": these all seem like such recent features of our lives. And yet, Lee McGuigan tells us in this eye-opening book, digital advertising was well underway before the widespread use of the I…
This book evaluates the results of two decades of research in ‘history and computing’. In spite of the fact that a lot has been accomplished, the report indicates critical places for improvement. Many historians and other humanities scholars seem satisfied with standard office tools, which do not always suit their complex sources and research questions. While more and more archival sources …
Prosiding penelitian berkualitas tinggi di bidang bahan keramik canggih, Berisi kontribusi dari keahlian di seluruh dunia dalam keramik canggih, Termasuk kontribusi pada keramik struktural berbasis non-oksida dan oksida, komposit yang diperkuat partikulat dan serat, dan bahan multifungsi. --> Konferensi Internasional Ketiga Masyarakat Keramik Serbia tentang Keramik dan Aplikasi Tingkat Lanjut, …
This book was written to help people understand and transform education and professional practice. It presents and extends the theory of practice architectures, and offers a contemporary account of what practices are composed of and how practices shape and are shaped by the arrangements with which they are enmeshed in sites of practice. Through its empirically-based case chapters, the book demo…
This book examines social processes that have contributed to growing pesticide use, with a particular focus on the role governments play in urban aerial pesticide spraying operations. Beyond being applied to sparsely populated farmland, pesticides have been increasingly used in densely populated urban environments, and when faced with invasive species, governments have resorted to large-scal…
Prosiding Kongres Dunia Ketujuh tentang Manajemen Aset Teknik (WCEAM) yang diadakan di Kota Daejeon, Korea dari tanggal 8-9 Oktober 2012. Termasuk kompilasi makalah mutakhir di lapangan yang mencakup berbagai mata pelajaran yang komprehensif. Mencakup sumber daya untuk praktisi manajemen aset, peneliti dan akademisi, serta mahasiswa sarjana dan pascasarjana di perguruan tinggi dan di industri. …
This book is a compilation of the best papers presented at the 2017 installment of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Economics & Finance (APEF), which is held annually in Singapore. With a great number of submissions, it presents the latest research findings in economics and finance and discusses relevant issues in today's world. The book is a useful resource for readers who want access to econom…