This book contains an evidence-based pedagogic guide to enable any motivated teaching/training professional to be able to teach effectively and creatively. It firstly summarises the extensive research field on human psychological functioning relating to learning and how this can be fully utilised in the design and facilitation of quality learning experiences. It then demonstrates what creativit…
This book explores the dynamics of the interaction between the development of creative industries and urban land use in Nanjing, a metropolis and a growth pole in the Yangtze River Delta. In the last two decades, China's economy has been undergoing dramatic growth. Yet, accompanying with China's economic success is the disturbing environmental deterioration and energy concerns. These issues tog…
Founded in 1971, the Academy of Marketing Science is an international organization dedicated to promoting timely explorations of phenomena related to the science of marketing in theory, research, and practice. Among its services to members and the community at large, the Academy offers conferences, congresses and symposia that attract delegates from around the world. Presentations from th…
Dalam konteks keuangan dan pasar modal, teks yang Anda berikan membahas dua aspek utama, yaitu penetapan harga dan likuiditas derivatif yang kompleks dan terstruktur, serta penyimpangan tolak ukur risiko berdasarkan kredit dan data pasar opsi. Berikut adalah ringkasan untuk kedua aspek tersebut: Penetapan Harga dan Likuiditas Derivatif Kompleks dan Terstruktur: (a). Penetapan Harga Derivatif: D…
When a company intends to place a new product or service on the market, it must understand the risk of infringing the third parties’ intellectual property. It is a common practice for the company to conduct a Freedom-to-Operate (FTO)¹ search to determine and reduce the risks of potential patent infringement prior to launching a new product or service. The FTO search is performed to find rele…
(1). Membahas secara kritis peran International Maritime Organization (IMO) dalam perlindungan lingkungan laut. (2). Menyajikan gambaran umum yang jelas, terkini, ringkas, dan kritis tentang instrumen hukum lingkungan laut IMO. (3). Pandangan baru tentang ketegangan utara-selatan dalam wacana lingkungan laut IMO. (4). Mengkaji secara kritis prinsip tanggung jawab bersama tetapi berbeda dalam ko…
(1). Mengurangi keterputusan antara penelitian pencegahan dan praktik pendidikan. (2). Sangat komprehensif, menangani berbagai perilaku pengambilan risiko remaja: penggunaan narkoba, kekerasan, putus sekolah, bunuh diri. (3). Membahas masalah melakukan penelitian dan meningkatkan intervensi di sekolah Mengilustrasikan masalah teoretis dengan studi kasus dan anekdot dari praktik aktual
Ever since a legal concept of ‘trademark’ began to emerge after 1860,2 the law regulating trademarks has often been asked to define the contours of this ‘brand’ of property right. Modern day developments continue to raise the issue of the boundaries of trademark rights and the influence of signs and symbols on society. Terrorist attacks, political upheaval, revolutions, changing so…
In 1885, Germany and Portugal became neighbours in Africa. The newly founded colony of German Southwest Africa prevented the southwards expansion of the ancient colony of Angola. The border along the Cunene and Kavango Rivers remained under dispute. After the outbreak of World War I in Europe, Portugal’s neutrality was questioned in German Southwest Africa, and when a group of German official…
This book investigates why collectivised farming failed in south Vietnam after 1975. Despite the strong will of the new regime to implement collectivisation, the effort was uneven, misapplied and subverted. After only 10 years of trying, the regime annulled the policy. Focusing on two case studies—Quảng Nam province in the Central Coast region and An Giang province in the Mekong Delta—and…