CULTURED young college woman with a fine jL\. sense of fair play came to me years ago on the eve of marriage to have her physical fitness for the marital relation determined and her information of sexual life corrected and broadened. Following our conversation she expressed the wish that every young woman about to be married would follow the same course — preferably with a male physician, in …
Caesar's mythical being has come to the fore again and again, from the time of the feuds between emperor and pope down to Napoleon. An imperial title takes its name from his position in history; a mode of government is named for his activity. The turning points of his life, the Rubicon, Cato, Brutus, have remained alive not only as poets' fancies, but also as battle-cries, and to this day his p…
The increasing interest taken in debate by the larger high schools and academies has prompted the preparation of this Manual of Argumentation. There has seemed to be need of a book that would present in a clear and simple way the elements of debate to that large class of students who are not advanced enough to master the rather difficult college text-books on the subject, but who are deeply int…
Kit Bam's Adventures or The Yarns of an Old Mariner is a book written by Mary Cowden Clarke and published in 1849. The book is a collection of stories narrated by Kit Bam, an old sailor, about his adventures at sea. The stories are filled with exciting and adventurous tales of pirates, sea monsters, shipwrecks, and other maritime adventures. The book is written in a style that captures the esse…
Homes are the divinely ordained fountains of life. It is not by accident that men live in families rather than in solitude. The human race began in a family, and Eden was a home. The divine blessing has ever rested upon nations and communities just in the measure in which they have adhered to these original institutions and have kept marriage and the home pure and holy ; and blight and curse ha…
Buku ensiklopedis ini menyediakan data komprehensif tentang senjata strategis Soviet dan Rusia, muatan, dan sistem pengiriman serta kompleks nuklir yang mendukungnya. Data tersebut diambil dari sumber terbuka, terutama dari Rusia. Semua informasi disajikan secara kronologis, disusun berdasarkan sistem dan fasilitas individual, dan tidak tersedia di tempat lain dalam satu volume. Setelah tinjaua…
Schools for Thought memberikan pengantar umum yang lugas tentang penelitian kognitif dan menggambarkan pentingnya penelitian tersebut bagi perubahan pendidikan. Jika kita ingin meningkatkan peluang dan hasil pendidikan bagi semua anak, kita harus mulai menerapkan apa yang kita ketahui tentang fungsi mental—bagaimana anak-anak berpikir, belajar, dan mengingat di sekolah kita. Kita harus menera…
Produk asuransi anuitas membantu melindungi pensiunan agar tidak hidup lebih lama dari pendapatan mereka. Kemajuan dramatis dalam harapan hidup berarti bahwa pensiunan saat ini harus berencana untuk hidup hingga usia delapan puluhan, sembilan puluhan, dan bahkan lebih. Harapan hidup yang lebih panjang adalah simbol masyarakat yang sejahtera, tetapi kemajuan ini juga berarti bahwa beberapa pensi…
Kapasitas militer Rusia tetap menjadi pertimbangan utama bagi keamanan global bahkan di era pasca-Soviet. Buku ini menilai militer Rusia saat ini dan menganalisis kemungkinan arahnya di masa depan. Para kontributor—para pakar subjek dari Rusia dan Barat—tidak hanya mempertimbangkan bagaimana Rusia membangun kapasitas militernya, tetapi juga kebijakan dan doktrin yang telah membentuk postur …