This volume discusses how legislation (the product) and lawmaking (the process) function in developing countries, and how legislation contributes to development and how lawmaking and legislation can be improved either by the country itself or by donor assisted projects. It covers topics including legal transplantation, legislative quality, linkages between legislation and implementation, and th…
Annotation This survey on the modernity of ethnomathematics addresses numerous themes related to both ethnomathematics and mathematics education. It offers a broader view of mathematics, including ideas, procedures, concepts, processes, methods, and practices rooted in distinct cultural environments. In addition, by reflecting on the social and political dimensions of ethnomathematics, another …
Popular media, art and science are intricately interlinked in contemporary visual culture. This book analyses the ›scientific imaginary‹ that is the result of the profound effects of science upon the imagination, and conversely, of the imagination in and upon science. As scientific developments in genetics, information technology and cybernetics open up new possibilities of intervention in …
Sebagai pintu masuk ke dalam proyek akhir ini dalam trilogi yang menghubungkan pedagogi Freire dengan transdisipliner, Pendahuluan kami menawarkan sinopsis singkat dari bab-bab yang berfokus pada tema buku ini yaitu kelestarian lingkungan, bersama dengan analisis dari tema-tema konseptual utama, di saat krisis dan ketidakpastian yang tak tertandingi bagi planet kita. Penilaian ini digarisbawahi…
Non-Conceptual Negativity: Damaged Reflections on Turkey critiques those who have accused Deleuze of an unbounded affirmation which, according to them, has played directly into the hands of capitalist modes of production. Yet no one has acknowledged that under the aegis of nano-fascism, late capitalism has grown into Neanderthal capitalism, invented and developed in laboratory countries like Tu…
It is most times not easy for school leavers to make the right choices about the field of academic study that would help them attain their career visions. Factors including family upbringing, social-cultural experiences, early education, peer associations and perception of self all impact on the career choices of young persons. This book researches and presents a sampling of first-hand accounts…
Sekarang saya telah memutuskan untuk mengumpulkan catatan kuliah, percakapan selama konferensi, dan materi lain yang dipresentasikan dan didiskusikan dengan fokus pada kegiatan ilmiah dan akademi. Ternyata, ketika Anda merenungkan beasiswa universitas dan tujuan-tujuannya - produksi pengetahuan, pendidikan - Anda harus menyusun banyak skema untuk topik-topik yang jauh berbeda seperti perbanding…
This book is open access under a CC-BY licence. Part of the AHRC/British Library Academic Book of the Future Project, this book interrogates current and emerging contexts of academic books from the perspectives of thirteen expert voices from the connected communities of publishing, academia, libraries, and bookselling.
Fitoremediasi adalah teknik yang menggunakan tumbuhan untuk membersihkan atau menghilangkan polutan dari lingkungan, seperti tanah atau air. Meskipun fitoremediasi biasanya digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah pencemaran lingkungan, seperti logam berat atau senyawa organik berbahaya, konsepnya dapat diterapkan secara kreatif untuk mendukung energi hijau dalam beberapa cara. Berikut beberapa contoh…
Volume 4 dari seri 5 volume ini menambahkan berbagai studi tentang fitoremediasi kontaminan organik dari ekosistem terestrial dan akuatik. Dalam buku ini, beberapa contoh aplikasi fitoremediasi dalam teknologi rekayasa air limbah juga diberikan. Berbagai penelitian tentang lahan basah alami dan lahan basah buatan untuk fitoremediasi juga telah disertakan dalam buku ini. Pentingnya fitoremediasi…