Selama dekade terakhir, perspektif perkembangan pemuda positif (PYD) telah diadopsi oleh para peneliti yang mempelajari remaja, praktisi pembangunan pemuda, dan pembuat kebijakan yang peduli terhadap peningkatan peluang hidup kaum muda dan keluarga mereka. Buku ini menjelaskan penelitian tentang perkembangan pemuda yang memberikan bukti mengenai kebijakan dan program yang bertujuan untuk mendor…
Penulis buku ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas undang-undang keterbukaan dalam regulasi pasar keuangan, khususnya dalam konteks keterbukaan informasi secara terus menerus kepada pemangku kepentingan. Mereka berpendapat bahwa berkembangnya undang-undang keterbukaan informasi, yang seringkali diberlakukan sebagai respons terhadap krisis keuangan tanpa mempertimbangkan peraturan yang ada, te…
Buku ini melaporkan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman tentang dampak kurikulum pembelajaran kerja proyek berbasis penelitian terhadap pembelajaran mandiri. Sebuah studi kasus mengkaji pandangan dan pengalaman siswa di Hwa Chong Institution Singapura, yang terlibat dalam kurikulum sekolah menengah ketat yang dikembangkan untuk menawarkan pengalaman belajar yang mandiri, dis…
A model of writing in cognitive development, Understanding the Representational Mind synthesizes the burgeoning literature on the child's theory of mind to provide an integrated account of children's understanding of representational and mental processes, which is crucial in their acquisition of our commonsense psychology. Perrier describes experimental work on children's acquisition of a th…
Essays by leading academics, policymakers, and industrialists examine India's economic success in the late 1990s. India's economy over the last decade looks in many ways like a success story; after a major economic crisis in 1991, followed by bold reform measures, the economy has experienced a rapid economic growth rate, more foreign investment, and a boom in the information technology secto…
"The papers included were first presented at a workshop at the Kennedy School of Harvard University in the spring of 2001"-The United States and European countries are experimenting with a new generation of policy approaches for combating environmental degradation. Industrial Transformation evaluates the effectiveness of twelve innovative voluntary, collaborative, and information-based programs…
Even minute increases in a country's growth rate can result in dramatic changes in living standards over just one generation. The benefits of growth, however, may not be shared equally. Some may gain less than others, and a fraction of the population may actually be disadvantaged. Recent economic research has found both positive and negative relationships between growth and inequality across na…
How Brazil's monetary and fiscal policies survived a series of severe economic shocks and the policy lessons for other countries.Inflation targeting--when central bank policies set specific inflation rate objectives--is widely used by both developed and developing countries around the world (although not by the United States or the European Central Bank). This collection of original essays look…
Researchers studying the role institutions play in causing and confronting environmental change use a variety of concepts and methods that make it difficult to compare their findings. Seeking to remedy this problem, Oran Young takes the analytic themes identified in the Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (IDGEC) Science Plan as cutting-edge research concerns and develops th…
How interventions based on objects—including chemicals, financial products, and consumer goods—offer a path to rethink European integration. Interventions based on objects, Brice Laurent claims, have become a dominant path for European policy-making. In European Objects, Laurent analyzes the political consequences of these interventions and their democratization. He uses the term “Euro…