Menentang pandangan terkini dari banyak aktivis lingkungan bahwa negara berdaulat tidak dapat menyediakan tata kelola lingkungan yang efektif, The State and the Global Ecological Crisis menawarkan analisis dan studi kasus yang mengeksplorasi prospek untuk "mengembalikan negara" sebagai fasilitator perubahan lingkungan yang progresif, bukan sebagai kontributor terhadap kerusakan lingkungan. Para…
Sungai Amu Darya dan Syr Darya di Asia Tengah mengalir melintasi gurun dan bermuara di Laut Aral. Di bawah kekuasaan Soviet, begitu banyak air dialihkan dari sungai untuk keperluan pertanian sehingga kadar salinitas meningkat dengan cepat dan laut menyusut. Terjadi peningkatan badai debu yang mengandung residu garam beracun, dan gurun baru mulai menggantikan laut. Pada saat yang sama, limpasan …
We are publishing our Memorandum for the information of Socialist and bourgeois public opinion in Europe on the subject of the Jugoslav Question which is so little known and so much misunderstood abroad. As will be seen from this Memorandum, we Southern Slavs, or Jugoslavs (Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) are one single people which has been politically, nationally and economically subjugated. ISTo…
Meskipun orang Amerika percaya pada janji masyarakat yang egaliter dan tidak memandang warna kulit, kenyataannya jauh dari cita-cita itu. Orang kulit berwarna secara konsisten tertinggal dari rekan-rekan kulit putih mereka dalam bidang-bidang utama kualitas hidup. Meskipun banyak kemajuan yang signifikan, ketidaksetaraan struktural yang meluas terus ada dan berkembang. Ras dan Masalah Sosial me…
In Frontiers, Michael Redclift examines the relationship between nature and society in frontier areas--contested zones in which rival versions of civil society vie with one another, often over the definition and management of nature itself. Drawing on his own fieldwork and extensive archival research, Redclift presents five cases in which civil societies emerged in frontier areas either to mana…
Includes index.A provocative argument that unless Europe takes serious action soon, its economic and political decline is unavoidable, and a clear statement of the steps Europe must take before it's too late.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
A study of the struggle for environmental justice, focusing on conflicts over solid waste and pollution in Chicago.In Garbage Wars, the sociologist David Pellow describes the politics of garbage in Chicago. He shows how garbage affects residents in vulnerable communities and poses health risks to those who dispose of it. He follows the trash, the pollution, the hazards, and the people who encou…
The role that children and youth play in the emerging digital media culture-as consumers targeted by marketing campaigns, as creators of their own digital culture, and as political participants.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
How generational policy affects the sustainability of a government's fiscal policy.In these eight 2002 Cairoli Lectures, presented at the Universidad Torcuato di Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Laurence Kotlikoff shows how generational policy works, how it is measured, and how much it matters. Kotlikoff discusses the incidence and measurement of generational policy, the relationship of genera…
"Dahlem Workshop reports"--Cover."Report of the 90th Dahlem Workshop on Genetic and Cultural Evolution of Cooperation, Berlin, June 23-28, 2002."The latest interdisciplinary research on the evolutionary models of cooperation.Current thinking in evolutionary biology holds that competition among individuals is the key to understanding natural selection. When competition exists, it is obvious that…