Literatur in und mit Dialekt war auch vor 1800 ein wesentlicher, prägender Bestandteil der Elite-, Alltags- und Komplementärkultur im bairisch-österreichischen Sprachraum. Christian Neuhuber, Stefanie Edler, Elisabeth Zehetner präsentieren erstmals die wichtigsten Ausdrucksformen, Arbeiten und Autoren, kontextualisieren die bislang überwiegend nicht edierten Werke aus einer Vielzahl an Arc…
"The Ars Edendi Lectures have been organized by the research programme at Stockholm University funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond during the years 2008-2015, with a focus on editorial methods for dynamic textual traditions of medieval Greek and Latin texts. This fourth volume gathers contributions both on the fundamentals of editing, as in Glenn Most ‘What is a critical edition?’, and look…
Literature, Pedagogy/Teaching, Education, Organisations and Institutions, General, Society, Culture and Education, Higher Education
In this chapter I examine how Archibald Constable’s Scots Magazine; and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany (1804–17) became a medium for the promotion of key medical initiatives in early nineteenth-century Edinburgh, including the campaign for the Edinburgh Lunatic Asylum, but also other medico- philanthropic endeavours directed towards improving health in Scotland.
This article investigates how formulaic sequences fi t into a constructionist approach to grammar, which is a major post- Chomskyan family of approaches to linguistic structure. The author considers whether, in this framework, formulaic sequences represent a phenomenon that is suffi ciently diff erent to warrant special status or whether they might best be studied in terms of the larger set of …
Overview: Students who do not know what careers they would like to pursue will be asked to review supplementary career resources such as the Occupational Handbook or the Virginia Wizard or the local employment office or any authoritative resources which could give them information about career pathways. Students will choose at least two occupations that they would be interested in pursuing. For…
Overview: Welcome to the First Edition of an OER textbook for Penn State's CRIMJ 100 Course. This text was developed with the assistance of an Affordable Course Transformation grant from The Pennsylvania State University.
Overview: This book is best thought of as a map that introduces some of the essential element of small group communication. It begins with some foundational information necessary for understanding what makes groups groups. Briefly, it will provide conceptual and practice elements that help inform how we are to think about actually defining groups and teams. It moves from there to explore the id…
Overview: A textbook that merges chapters from Communication in the Real World and Public Speaking Project to create a Fundamentals of Oral Communication book.
Overview: This is the first edition of the open text book Building a Competitive Investment Climate on First Nation Lands. This textbook is for students who are First Nation and tribal government employees or students who would like to work for or with First Nation and tribal governments. The purpose of this textbook is to help interested First Nation and tribal governments build a competitive …