Im Mittelpunkt dieses Bandes steht die Frage, wie Fachunterricht sich verändern kann und muss, um aktuellen Herausforderungen für das Bildungswesen, zu denen unter anderen die zunehmende Diversität individueller Lernausgangslangen sowie Inklusion zählen, gerecht zu werden. Am Beispiel der Fächer Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Mathematik, Kunst und Musik wird die Konzeption und Implement…
In der Krise greift die Demokratie zum Ausnahmezustand – was das bedeutet, zeigen die Beiträge dieses Bandes. Die Ausweitung der Kompetenzen der Regierung verspricht eine effektive Krisenabwehr, sei es im Falle von terroristischen Anschlägen, Ausschreitungen, Übergriffen auf Polizeibehörden oder bei Naturkatastrophen. Dass damit eine teils erhebliche Einschränkung bürgerlicher Freiheits…
This book makes a major contribution to the scholarship on internationalization in higher education by focusing on the perceptions and experiences of the academic profession in a comparative perspective. Drawing from data collected by the Academic Professions in the Knowledge-based Society (APIKS) project, the contributors to this volume are uniquely positioned to explore the impact and implica…
In June 2013, Edward Snowden revealed a secret US government program that collected records on every phone call made in the country. Further disclosures followed, detailing mass surveillance by the UK as well. Journalists and policymakers soon began discussing large-scale programs in other countries. Over two years before the Snowden leaks began, Cate and Dempsey had started researching systema…
This book explains how major world economies are recognizing the need for a major push in cyber policy environments. It helps readers understand why these nations are committing substantial resources to cybersecurity, and to the development of standards, rules and guidelines in order to address cyber-threats and catch up with global trends and technological developments. A key focus is on speci…
Sub-Saharan Africa faces many development challenges, such as its size and diversity, rapid urban population growth, history of colonial exploitation, fragile states and conflicts over land and natural resources. This collection, contributed from different academic disciplines and professions, seeks to support the UN Habitat New Urban Agenda passed at Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador, in 2016. It …
This book is the first targeted work in the legal literature that investigates environmental challenges in the aftermath of conflict. The volume brings together academics, policy-makers, and practitioners from different disciplines to clarify policies and practices of environmental protection and key legal considerations related to normative frameworks (e.g. international environmental law, int…
In Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies, Asao B. Inoue theorizes classroom writing assessment as a complex system that is "more than" its interconnected elements. To explain how and why antiracist work in the writing classroom is vital to literacy learning, Inoue incorporates ideas about the white racial habits that informs dominant discourses in the academy and other contexts. Inoue helps t…
This monograph offers a detailed analysis of the creation, pilot implementation, and possible wide adoption of the real property tax at the local level in China. Starting in 2003, as China’s economy gradually recovered from the Asian financial crisis that started in 1998, the real property market entered a period of rapid expansion, followed immediately by rampant speculation, rising housing …