The purpose of this monograph is to present readers with a comprehensive and cutting edge description of neurochemical effects of diet (beneficial and harmful effects) in normal human brain and to discuss how present day diet promotes pathogenesis of stroke, AD, PD, and depression in a manner that is useful not only to students and teachers but also to researchers, dietitians, nutritionists and…
This compact undergraduate textbook provides a concise yet thorough introduction to the fundamentals of solid-state physics, while also briefly discussing the historical context surrounding key scholars in the field. The vivid explanations and unique didactic approach adopted in the book aim to generate interest in these subjects while also serving as a motivating primer and supporting companio…
This thesis exploits the ability of the linear-scaling quantum mechanical code ONETEP to analyze systems containing many thousands of atoms. By implementing an electron transport capability to the code, it also investigates a range of phenomena associated with electrical conduction by nanotubes and, in particular, the process of transport electrons between tubes. Extensive work has been done on…
The aim of this book is to present the fundamentals of high pressure technologies from the perspective of mass transfer phenomena and thermodynamic considerations. Novel food applications are exposed and their relation to chemical analysis, extraction, reaction and particle formation processes are outlined. The chapters are written by a diverse group of scientists with expertise in chemistry, f…
* Memberikan dasar untuk memecahkan bukti dan masalah sebagai transisi ke aljabar dan matematika yang lebih abstrak. * Pembaca mempelajari kemampuan pemecahan masalah tentang pembuktian melalui angka dan aljabar. * Masalah dan teorema difokuskan pada berbagai bidang teori bilangan dan aljabar. ;;; Mengajukan soal dan membuktikan teorema atau pernyataan dalam bidang bilangan dan aljabar merupaka…
* Menganalisis penyebab dan pola (geografis, taksonomi, dan sifat) penurunan dan kepunahan mamalia darat. * Berisi studi kasus spesies yang menderita berbagai ancaman antropogenik dan apa yang dapat dipelajari pembaca darinya. * Memberikan pendekatan interdisipliner untuk berbagai kasus di mana satwa liar dapat dianggap bermasalah melalui makalah yang ditulis oleh ahli ekologi, spesialis dalam …
The book is devoted to dynamic inequalities of Hardy type and extensions and generalizations via convexity on a time scale T. In particular, the book contains the time scale versions of classical Hardy type inequalities, Hardy and Littlewood type inequalities, Hardy-Knopp type inequalities via convexity, Copson type inequalities, Copson-Beesack type inequalities, Liendeler type inequalities, Le…
This text is an introduction to harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces, focusing on advanced topics such as higher rank spaces, positive definite matrix space and generalizations. It is intended for beginning graduate students in mathematics or researchers in physics or engineering. As with the introductory book entitled "Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces - Euclidean Space, the Sphere, and t…
This handbook sets out an innovative approach to the theory of law, reconceptualising it in a material, embodied, socially contextualised and politically radical way. The book consists of original contributions authored by prominent academics, all of whom provide a valuable overview of legal theory as a discipline. The book contains five sections: • Spatiotemporal • Sense • Bo…
The complex regulations of the Endangered Species Act can be challenging for environmental professionals who must comply with them or assist clients in compliance. This volume discusses the Act using clear scientific prose that all professionals can readily comprehend. It explores the history and the basic scientific theory underlying the Act. It provides an overview of its key provisions and e…