Pertanian berkelanjutan melibatkan perancangan sistem pertanian yang menggunakan alam sebagai model. Pada sebagian besar ekosistem alami, semakin besar keanekaragamannya, semakin tahan ekosistem tersebut terhadap perubahan dan semakin mampu pulih dari gangguan. Dalam ekosistem pertanian atau yang disebut agroekosistem (AES), gangguan jauh lebih sering terjadi, teratur, dan intens. Konsep ekolog…
Tanaman terpapar pada keragaman mikroba yang sangat besar di lingkungan. Karena berbagai macam mikroba, serangkaian mekanisme molekuler yang kompleks memediasi interaksi tanaman-mikroba. Interaksi ini telah terlihat memiliki efek negatif dan positif pada salah satu atau kedua anggota. Mengingat pentingnya mikroorganisme rizosfer tanah ini dalam perlindungan penyakit tanaman, penelitian menunjuk…
Tanah menyediakan ceruk ekologi yang sangat baik dan beragam untuk mikroorganisme rizosfer dan tampaknya menjadi titik panas bagi sebagian besar interaksi mikroba yang terjadi di bawah permukaan tanah. Di antara berbagai mikroorganisme rizosfer, jamur mikoriza, bakteri pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman, dan bakteri bintil akar adalah yang paling penting, karena mereka memiliki kemampuan unik untuk ber…
The book provides accurate FDTD models for on-chip interconnects, covering most recent advancements in materials and design. Furthermore, depending on the geometry and physical configurations, different electrical equivalent models for CNT and GNR based interconnects are presented. Based on the electrical equivalent models the performance comparison among the Cu, CNT and GNR-based interconnects…
This is the first book solely devoted to Cryopedology, the study of soils of cold regions. The analysis treats Cryosols as a three-part system (active layer, transition layer, permafrost). The book considers soil-forming factors, cryogenic processes, and classification and distribution of Cryosols. Cryosols of the Arctic, Antarctica, and the high mountains are considered in detail. The chapters…
This timely book revisits cryptic female choice in arthropods, gathering detailed contributions from around the world to address key behavioral, ecological and evolutionary questions. The reader will find a critical summary of major breakthroughs in taxon-oriented chapters that offer many new perspectives and cases to explore, and in many cases unpublished data. Many groups of arthropods such a…
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, IMACC 2015, held at Oxford, UK, in December 2015. The 18 papers presented together with 1 invited talk were carefully reviewed and selected from 36 submissions. The scope of the conference was on following topics: authentication, symmetric cryptography, 2-party computation, codes, Boolean …
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, IMACC 2015, held at Oxford, UK, in December 2015. The 18 papers presented together with 1 invited talk were carefully reviewed and selected from 36 submissions. The scope of the conference was on following topics: authentication, symmetric cryptography, 2-party computation, codes, Boolean …
The need to reduce the ecological footprint of water/land/air vehicles in this era of climate change requires pushing the limits regarding the development of lightweight structures and materials. This requires a thorough understanding of their thermomechanical behavior at several stages of the production chain. Moreover, during service, the response of lightweight alloys under the simultaneous …
A challenging frontier in modern statistical physics concerns systems with a small number of degrees of freedom, far from the thermodynamic limit. Beyond the general interest in the foundation of statistical mechanics, the relevance of this subject is due to the recent increase of resolution in the observation and manipulation of biological and man-made objects at micro- and nano-scales. A pecu…