This book presents visual plant defenses (camouflage, mimicry and aposematism via coloration, morphology and even movement) against herbivores. It is mainly an ideological monograph, a manifesto representing my current understanding on defensive plant coloration and related issues. The book is not the final word in anything, but rather the beginning of many things. It aims to establish visual a…
Bahan fotofungsional adalah keluarga besar senyawa fotoaktif yang dapat mentransfer, menyerap, menyimpan, mengganti, atau memanfaatkan energi cahaya.Senyawa berlapis dengan struktur dua dimensi (2D) baru-baru ini muncul sebagai platform baru untuk mengembangkan bahan fotofungsional baru dan telah dieksplorasi dan diterapkan di bidang pemanenan cahaya, fotoluminesensi, fotokatalisis, pencitraan …
Imaging and Manipulation of Adsorbates using Dynamic Force Microscopy provides an overview of the latest developments in dynamic force microscopy (DFM) of atoms, molecules, and nanoparticles adsorbed on solid surfaces. Significant advances in the capabilities of this technique have been made in the last decade and this book represents a timely snapshot of the major research themes in the field,…
This survey on the modernity of ethnomathematics addresses numerous themes related to both ethnomathematics and mathematics education. It offers a broader view of mathematics, including ideas, procedures, concepts, processes, methods, and practices rooted in distinct cultural environments. In addition, by reflecting on the social and political dimensions of ethnomathematics, another important a…
Unsur fosfor ditemukan pada awal abad ketujuh belas, sebagaimana dicatat dalam buku John Emsley yang luar biasa dan mempesona "Elemen ke-13". Kimia fosfor sering dianggap sebagai "wanita tua" dalam seni kimia. Ini karena banyak reaksi penting ditemukan pada pergantian abad kedua puluh, sebagian besar dari kontribusi ahli kimia Rusia. Sejak saat itu, kimia fosfor sayangnya dianggap sebagai bidan…
Unsur fosfor ditemukan pada awal abad ketujuh belas, sebagaimana dicatat dalam buku John Emsley yang luar biasa dan mempesona "Elemen ke-13". Kimia fosfor sering dianggap sebagai "wanita tua" dalam seni kimia. Ini karena banyak reaksi penting ditemukan pada pergantian abad kedua puluh, sebagian besar dari kontribusi ahli kimia Rusia. Sejak saat itu, kimia fosfor sayangnya dianggap sebagai bidan…
Kristal fononik (PNCS) adalah bahan periodik sintetik baru untuk mengontrol dan memanipulasi perambatan gelombang elastis (atau akustik). Sifat periodik PNCS memberi mereka sifat baru yang tidak dapat ditemukan dalam bahan curah. Misalnya, PNCS dapat menunjukkan celah pita akustik (atau fononik), yang merupakan rentang frekuensi di mana perambatan gelombang akustik di dalam PnC dilarang. Penamb…
Imagine mathematics, imagine with the help of mathematics, imagine new worlds, new geometries, new forms. This volume in the series “Imagine Math” casts light on what is new and interesting in the relationships between mathematics, imagination and culture. The book opens by examining the connections between modern and contemporary art and mathematics, including Linda D. Henderson’s contri…
The contributions in this proceedings volume offer a new perspective on the mathematical ties between France and Italy, and reveal how mathematical developments in these two countries affected one another. The focus is above all on the Peninsula’s influence on French mathematicians, counterbalancing the historically predominant perception that French mathematics was a model for Italian mathem…
Studies in human patients and animal models of disease suggest a strong correlation between defects in dendrite development and common neurological disorders such as autism. Much of this book is thus dedicated toward highlighting recent advances in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the development and maintenance of dendrites, a crucial component of neuron…