Sekarang sudah tepat 10 tahun sejak edisi pertama jilid ini, Philosophy of Chemistry: Synthesis of a New Discipline (Springer 2006 – - diedit bersama dengan Davis Baird - pertama kali muncul sebagai Jilid 242 dari Boston Studies in the Philosophy of seri Sains. Pada saat itu, filsafat kimia masih menjadi bidang yang sedang berkembang. Secara kebetulan juga sudah 20 tahun sejak kedua editor ji…
Diperkirakan bahwa produksi pertanian harus digandakan pada tahun 2050 untuk memenuhi perkiraan permintaan populasi dunia yang terus bertambah. Pencapaian tujuan ini merupakan tantangan serius bagi pemulia tanaman karena laju pertumbuhan produksi pertanian saat ini sebesar 1,3 % per tahun berada di bawah laju pertumbuhan populasi. Di masa lalu, kemajuan penelitian telah dibuat dalam pengembanga…
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pemuliaan tanaman telah mengalami revolusi. Karena pengurangan biaya genotipe dan polimorfisme nukleotida tunggal, dimungkinkan untuk memperoleh sejumlah besar data genotipe dalam waktu singkat. Banjir informasi genom ini telah memicu pengembangan strategi baru untuk integrasi informasi molekuler dalam program pemuliaan. Namun, masih diperlukan data fenotipik yang…
The contributions in this proceedings volume offer a new perspective on the mathematical ties between France and Italy, and reveal how mathematical developments in these two countries affected one another. The focus is above all on the Peninsula’s influence on French mathematicians, counterbalancing the historically predominant perception that French mathematics was a model for Italian mathem…
his book covers the latest developments in capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for the analysis of therapeutic proteins. The application of capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) coupling technology in the analysis of recombinant therapeutic proteins is detailed thoroughly. Specific topics include recent developments in coupling capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrome…
The last 30 years has seen the development of increasingly sophisticated models that quantify canopy carbon exchange. These models are now essential parts of larger models for prediction and simulation of crop production, climate change, and regional and global carbon dynamics. There is thus an urgent need for increasing expertise in developing, use and understanding of these models. This in tu…
Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) began his career at 16 as a human computer under the great mathematician U. J. J. Le Verrier at the Paris Observatory. He soon tired of the drudgery; he was drawn to more romantic vistas, and at 19 wrote a book on an idea that he was to make his own—the habitability of other worlds. There followed a career as France’s greatest popularizer of astronomy, with …
This book shows cognitive scientists in training how mathematics, computer science and science can be usefully and seamlessly intertwined. It is a follow-up to the first two volumes on mathematics for cognitive scientists, and includes the mathematics and computational tools needed to understand how to compute the terms in the Fourier series expansions that solve the cable equation. The latter …
Thermodynamics and Chemistry is designed primarily as a textbook for a one-semester course in classical chemical thermodynamics at the graduate or undergraduate level. It can also serve as a supplementary text and thermodynamics reference source.
Given the fact that there are perhaps 400 billion stars in our Galaxy alone, and perhaps 400 billion galaxies in the Universe, it stands to reason that somewhere out there, in the 14-billion-year-old cosmos, there is or once was a civilization at least as advanced as our own. The sheer enormity of the numbers almost demands that we accept the truth of this hypothesis. Why, then, have we encount…