Provides easy to understand information and guidelines about the design and construction of binoscopes Focusing on both homemade and commercial products, this book provides the reader with simple and straightforward information about the modelling and building of binoscopes. Binoscopes can be thought of as binoculars enlarged to the size of telescopes: essentially, a combination of the two.…
This monograph is an up-to-date presentation of the analysis and design of singular Markovian jump systems (SMJSs) in which the transition rate matrix of the underlying systems is generally uncertain, partially unknown and designed. The problems addressed include stability, stabilization, H∞ control and filtering, observer design, and adaptive control. applications of Markov process are inves…
This edited volume summarizes information about the situational context, threats, problems, challenges and solutions for sustainable pastoralism at a global scale. The book has four goals. The first goal is to summarize the information about the history, distribution and patterns of pastoralism and to identify the importance of pastoralism from social, economic and environmental perspectives. T…
Overview: This applied mathematics textbook covers Matrices and Pathways, Statistics and Probability, Finance, Cyclic, Recursive and Fractal Patterns, Vectors, and Design. The approach used is primarily data driven, using numerical and geometrical problem-solving techniques.
This book presents the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences 2014 (ICIPEG2014). Topics covered on the petroleum engineering side include reservoir modeling and simulation, enhanced oil recovery, unconventional oil and gas reservoirs, production and operation. Similarly geoscience presentations cover diverse areas in geology, geophysi…
Sumber energi utama bagi kehidupan di Bumi adalah energi matahari dari Matahari. Sel mengubah energi radiasi menjadi jenis energi lain. Energi kimia utama yang dihasilkan oleh sel adalah ATP. Pada gilirannya, energi yang dibutuhkan untuk kerja seluler disediakan oleh ATP, mata uang energi sel. Sebagian besar energi kimia ATP dalam sel digunakan untuk (i) kerja mekanis, (ii) proses biosintesis, …
Textbook for ASTRON 102 THE SOLAR SYSTEM at College of the Canyons Surveys the solar system, including the earth and its motions and seasons; the moon, eclipses, and tides; the content and dynamics of the solar system; planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets, and meteorites; and the evolution of the solar system.
Melalui buku ini, saya bermaksud menyampaikan kepada pembaca tiga bab matematika mutakhir yang diposisikan di persimpangan geometri aljabar-lebih tepatnya, aljabar homologis berkas modul pada ruang bercincin-dan teori analitik kompleks ruang. Dari sudut pandang saya sebagai penulis, titik fokus teks ini adalah Bab. 1. Bab pertama mengeksplorasi wilayah di sekitar konsepsi Nicholas Katz dan Tada…
Teori stabilitas pertama kali didirikan oleh Aleksandr Lyapunov pada tahun 1892 (lihat [70]). Karena penerapan teori stabilitas yang luas, banyak ahli matematika mengabdikan diri pada bidang ini. Untuk sistem diferensial yang tidak stabil, cara menstabilkannya, dengan bantuan kontrol umpan balik, menjadi subjek penting dalam teori kontrol persamaan diferensial. Ini disebut stabilisasi umpan bal…
This book is the first to report on theoretical breakthroughs on control of complex dynamical systems developed by collaborative researchers in the two fields of dynamical systems theory and control theory. As well, its basic point of view is of three kinds of complexity: bifurcation phenomena subject to model uncertainty, complex behavior including periodic/quasi-periodic orbits as well as cha…