Menjelaskan praktik pemantauan kondisi proaktif dan mengilustrasikan fase-fase implementasi. Menyajikan diskusi terperinci tentang teknik terbaik untuk pemantauan kondisi proaktif khususnya untuk mesin berkecepatan rendah. Mendemonstrasikan penerapan pemodelan elemen hingga untuk keberhasilan pemantauan kondisi proaktif. Memperluas pemahaman kontekstual pembaca dengan studi kasus yang berkaitan…
A comprehensive and detailed overview of the current state of preclinical research on histamine and histamine receptors. Part of the book focuses on novel approaches to the study of histamine receptors such as polymorphism, genetic linkage, and computational analysis, and on the use of new histaminergic ligands in diseases such as asthma and dermatitis. Several chapters will be devoted to the r…
Histamine is an important mediator of allergic diseases, but knowledge of histamine as a cause of numerous non-allergic symptoms and signs is limited. This book offers wide-ranging coverage of histamine intolerance. There is extensive background discussion of the origin of histamine, its content in food and alcoholic beverages and intolerance to red wine. Diagnosis of histamine intolerance is e…
Tampilan tabel dan tampilan koleksi adalah inti dari aplikasi i. OS. Dengan keduanya, Anda dapat membuat segala sesuatu mulai dari daftar yang paling sederhana hingga antarmuka pengguna yang sepenuhnya rumit. Tampilan Tabel dan Koleksi Pro i. OS dengan Swift mencakup tampilan tabel dan tampilan koleksi di semua ukuran perangkat i. OS, termasuk Apple Watch yang baru.--> Jika Anda seorang pengemb…
Hip pathology and nonarthritic hip conditions have only recently been recognized as a cause of hip pain. In 2003, Ganz, Leunig and colleagues described the concept of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) as a cause of hip pain and a mechanism for end-stage hip osteoarthritis. Ganz et al. also postulated that 70-90% of hip osteoarthritis is likely due to abnormal hip mechanics related to FAI, dys…
Bab ini memperkenalkan Vagrant, alat yang ingin Anda kuasai. Kita mulai dengan deskripsi singkat tentang Vagrant: perannya dan mengapa Anda harus mempelajarinya sejak awal. Untuk memahami manfaatnya sepenuhnya, kita akan menganalisis pendekatan yang ada saat ini untuk menyiapkan lingkungan pengembangan aplikasi web. Setelah meringkas masalah dengan metode tradisional, kita akan membahas bagaima…
This book explains why scientists believe that life may be more common in the Universe than previously considered possible. It presents the tools and strategies astronomers and astrobiologists are using in their formal search for habitable exoplanets as well as more advanced forms of life in other parts of our galaxy. The author then summarizes what is currently known about how and where organi…
This book analyses investment management policies for institutional investors. It is composed of four parts. The first one analyses the various types of institutional investors, institutions which, with different objectives, professionally manage portfolios of financial and real assets on behalf of a wide variety of individuals. This part goes on with an in-depth analysis of the economic, techn…
This book presents a series of contributions on key issues in the decision-making behind the management of financial assets. It provides insight into topics such as quantitative and traditional portfolio construction, performance clustering and incentives in the UK pension fund industry, pension fund governance, indexation, and tracking errors. Markets covered include major European markets, eq…
This book presents up-to-date information on how to assess early preclinical alterations in the heart, the small and large arteries and the kidney using the most sensitive, specific and cost-effective techniques. A wide variety of techniques are discussed, with careful attention to the latest developments. For each organ, evidence is documented regarding the prevalence of organ damage in the ge…