The experience of New France and ancient Quebec has led to the writing of travelers, missionaries, scholars, scholars and sages. Some have described this part of the world, its history, its characteristics, its peoples; the others have explained the dimensions of the physical world, of life or of the human experience. Lescarbot and Champlain in Charlevoix, the works of the XVII th and XVIII th …
Euripides wrote two plays called Hippolytus. In this, the second, he dramatized the tragic failure of perfection. This translation comes in two forms; the first presents a simulacrum of the text as it might have appeared in unprocessed form to a reader sometime shortly after Euripides’ death. The second processes the drama into the reduced but much more distinct form of modern print translati…
Ferdinand Ebner is next to Ludwig Wittgenstein the most important Austrian philosopher of language in the 20th century. In his main work Das Wort und die geistigen Realitäten. Pneumatologische Fragmente Ebner produces a new form of anthropology, which is based on a dialogic orientated understanding of human beings. Beside his philosophical works Ebner wrote many letters and diaries. One of the…
In her early diaries the art historian Erica Tietze-Conrat discribes her eventfull life in Vienna in the 1920ies, were she had been in touch with all the important art circles of the time.. In 1937 and 1938 her journals give an interesting view of the networks between museumstafs, art dealers, art scholars and artists just before the outbreak of World War II.
In her early diaries the art historian Erica Tietze-Conrat discribes her eventfull life in Vienna in the 1920ies, were she had been in touch with all the important art circles of the time.. In 1937 and 1938 her journals give an interesting view of the networks between museumstafs, art dealers, art scholars and artists just before the outbreak of World War II.
The edition includes the diaries of Count Egbert Belcredi from 1850 until his death in 1894. Belcredi – who was the brother of Austrian Prime Minister Richard Belcredi (1865-67) – was an outspoken Conservative, with links both to the Bohemian States Rights Party and the early Christian Social movement in Vienna.
The ongoing digitisation of the literary papyri (and related technical texts like the medical papyri) is leading to new thoughts on the concept and shape of the "digital critical edition" of ancient documents. First of all, there is the need of representing any textual and paratextual feature as much as possible, and of encoding them in a semantic markup that is very different from a traditiona…
This book contains the full text of the mathematical notebooks of Helmut Hasse (1898-1979), who was one of the leading mathematicians of the 20th century. The originals have been preserved in the Handschriftenabteilung at the Göttingen University Library. There are a total of seven volumes which contain 98 entries all together; these span the time period from July 1923 to February 1935. Each o…
The main topics of the correspondence between Ferdinand I and his siblings Charles V and Mary of Hungary edited in this volume are Ferdinand's attempts to achieve peace with Johann Szapolyai in Hungary; the clashes with the Ottomans; the Tunis campaign of Charles V; the conflict with Francis I of France after the death of the last Sforza Duke of Milan; and the confessional division in the Holy …
Mit der päpstlichen Bulle „Inter Gravissimas“ wurde 1582 der nach Papst Gregor XIII. benannte Gregorianische Kalender eingeführt. In Deutschland wurde dieser Kalender anfangs nur von katholisch regierten Ländern übernommen. Die protestantischen lehnten ihn grundsätzlich - weil vom Papst angeordnet - ab. Das führte zum Paradoxon einer doppelten Kalenderführung in Deutschland während …