Statistical Language and Speech Processing
This volume contains the papers presented at the Third International Conference on
Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2015), held in Budapest, Hungary,
during November 24–26, 2015.
SLSP 2015 was the third event in a series to host and promote research on the wide
spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use in computational language or
speech processing; it aims to attract contributions from both fields. The conference
encourages discussion on the employment of statistical methods (including machine
learning) within language and speech processing. The scope of the SLSP series is rather
broad, and includes the following areas: anaphora and coreference resolution; authorship identification, plagiarism, and spam filtering; computer-aided translation; corpora
and language resources; data mining and the Semantic Web; information extraction;
information retrieval; knowledge representation and ontologies; lexicons and dictionaries; machine translation; multimodal technologies; natural language understanding; neural representation of speech and language; opinion mining and sentiment
analysis; parsing; part-of-speech tagging; question-answering systems; semantic role
labeling; speaker identification and verification; speech and language generation; speech
recognition; speech synthesis; speech transcription; spelling correction; spoken dialogue
systems; term extraction; text categorization; text summarization; user modeling.
SLSP 2015 received 71 submissions, which were reviewed by the Program Committee members, some of whom consulted with external referees as well. Most of the
papers received three reviews, and several even four reviews. After a thorough and
lively discussion, the committee decided to accept 26 papers (representing an acceptance rate of 37 %). The program also included three invited talks.
Part of the success in managing such a high number of submissions is due to the
excellent facilities provided by the EasyChair conference management system. We
would like to thank all invited speakers and authors for their contributions, the Program
Committee and the reviewers for their cooperation, and Springer for its very professional publishing work.
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