Contemporary Ecology Research in China
The Chinese government is increasingly focusing on ecological construction and℗ℓhas subscribed to a national ℓ́ℓEcological Civilization Constructionℓ́ℓ. Ecological℗ℓresearch and protection practice develop so fast and achieve a lot at the℗ℓnational agenda. This book is a synthesis of five most exciting and dominant themes in℗ℓcontemporary ecological research in China: biodiversity, ecosystem℗ℓmanagement, degraded ecosystem restoration, global change and sustainable℗ℓdevelopment. This book spans all the Earth's major ecosystems, such as forests, oceans, ℗ℓgrasslands, wetlands, lakes, rivers, farmland and cities. This book provides a platform for scientific research across a variety of℗ℓdisciplines. It will be invaluable to experts, policymakers and local officers and℗ℓwill also be a highly useful resource for undergraduate and postgraduate℗ℓstudents. This book will allow researchers, students and policymakers outside China to℗ℓlearn about the significant achievements and applications of ecological research
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