Women, Migration and Gendered Experiences
Ermira Danaj, a feminist sociologist, holds a PhD in human and social sciences from the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland. In spring 2013, she was a Fulbright visiting scholar in gender and sociology at the Transregional Centre for Democratic Studies, The New School in New York, USA. Currently she is a visiting researcher at the CIES-Iscte (Centre for Sociological Studies), ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal. She also works as a gender expert with various international organisations. Her main research interests cover feminist activism in post-communist countries, gender and migration, and violence against women. Since 2002, she has authored and co-authored various research reports, books, articles and other contributions related to gender and feminist studies with a particular focus in Albania and the Balkans. Recently, she has published in the Gender & Development, and Gender, Place & Culture, A Journal of Feminist Geography.
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