International Conference on Psychology, Education and Mental Health
Indonesian Psychology Research that primarily focuses on education and mental health, is trying to take a tremendous share to reveal the consequences of industrial development which influence psychological, educational, and mental health factors of humans. The 1st International Conference on Psychology, Education, and Mental Health has proven its commitment to arise the spirit of scientist which provide insight, innovation, and creativity to resolve the problems in psychological field which occurred in this industrial development era. Hundreds of scientists, professionals, and students has gathered to discuss, analyze, and express their opinions about current issues today. We are proud because we can bridge their efforts in a prestigious scientific gathering in Indonesia The 1st ICoPEM 2019. We are enthusiastic to welcome you at the 1st International Conference on Psychology, Education, and Mental Health 2019 to be held in Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia, 8-10 September 2019
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