Ulasan terkini, Ditulis oleh para ahli terkemuka, Semua kontribusi ditinjau sejawat. ;;; Selama 57 tahun penelitian yang diulas dalam esai ini, fungsi transpor pada tumbuhan telah dipelajari secara ekstensif di berbagai sistem tumbuhan. Proses transpor membran memainkan peran penting dalam pengoperasian berbagai kelenjar, seperti kelenjar nektar, kelenjar tumbuhan karnivora, dan kelenjar garam …
Ulasan terkini, Ditulis oleh para ahli terkemuka, Semua kontribusi ditinjau sejawat. ;;; Musim gugur tahun 1958 menandai dimulainya tesis Ph. D. saya di Institut Botani Universitas Heidelberg, di bawah bimbingan mendiang Profesor Dr. August Seybold. Pada saat itu, penelitian eksperimental dalam fisiologi tumbuhan dan fotosintesis di Eropa dan di tempat lain masih dalam tahap awal. Banyak instru…
Written and richly illustrated by the Derby-born artist Ernest Ellis Clark (1869–1932), this guide was originally published in 1904 to demonstrate the decorative possibilities of certain plants, mainly English wild flowers, to art students sitting examinations in plant drawing and design. Clark emphasises the importance of retaining a certain amount of botanical accuracy and provides examples…
A Scottish doctor and botanist, George Watt (1851–1930) had studied the flora of India for more than a decade before he took on the task of compiling this monumental work. Assisted by numerous contributors, he set about organising vast amounts of information on India's commercial plants and produce, including scientific and vernacular names, properties, domestic and medical uses, trade statis…
A Scottish doctor and botanist, George Watt (1851–1930) had studied the flora of India for more than a decade before he took on the task of compiling this monumental work. Assisted by numerous contributors, he set about organising vast amounts of information on India's commercial plants and produce, including scientific and vernacular names, properties, domestic and medical uses, trade statis…
A Scottish doctor and botanist, George Watt (1851–1930) had studied the flora of India for more than a decade before he took on the task of compiling this monumental work. Assisted by numerous contributors, he set about organising vast amounts of information on India's commercial plants and produce, including scientific and vernacular names, properties, domestic and medical uses, trade statis…
A Scottish doctor and botanist, George Watt (1851–1930) had studied the flora of India for more than a decade before he took on the task of compiling this monumental work. Assisted by numerous contributors, he set about organising vast amounts of information on India's commercial plants and produce, including scientific and vernacular names, properties, domestic and medical uses, trade statis…
A Scottish doctor and botanist, George Watt (1851–1930) had studied the flora of India for more than a decade before he took on the task of compiling this monumental work. Assisted by numerous contributors, he set about organising vast amounts of information on India's commercial plants and produce, including scientific and vernacular names, properties, domestic and medical uses, trade statis…
A Scottish doctor and botanist, George Watt (1851–1930) had studied the flora of India for more than a decade before he took on the task of compiling this monumental work. Assisted by numerous contributors, he set about organising vast amounts of information on India's commercial plants and produce, including scientific and vernacular names, properties, domestic and medical uses, trade statis…
A Scottish doctor and botanist, George Watt (1851–1930) had studied the flora of India for more than a decade before he took on the task of compiling this monumental work. Assisted by numerous contributors, he set about organising vast amounts of information on India's commercial plants and produce, including scientific and vernacular names, properties, domestic and medical uses, trade statis…