This open access proceedings includes original, unpublished, peer-reviewed research papers from the International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Applications (WCNA2021), held in Berlin, Germany on December 17-19th, 2021. The topics covered include but are not limited to wireless communications, networking and applications.The papers showcased here share the latest finding…
This open access book presents how cutting-edge digital technologies like Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain are set to disrupt the financial sector. The book illustrates how recent advances in these technologies facilitate banks, FinTech, and financial institutions to collect, process, analyze, and fully leverage the very large amounts of data that are now…
The open access book covers a large class of nonlinear systems with many practical engineering applications. The approach is based on the extension of linear systems theory using the Volterra series. In contrast to the few existing treatments, our approach highlights the algebraic structure underlying such systems and is based on Schwartz’s distributions (rather than functions). The use of di…
This open access book improves the users' skills needed to implement models for performance evaluation of digital infrastructures. Building a model is usually a relatively easy task, but making it an accurate representation of the phenomenon to be reproduced is a completely different matter. It is well-known that to increase the ability to build reliable models it is necessary to accumulate exp…
This open-access book aims to highlight the coming surge of 5G network-based applications and predicts that the centralized networks and their current capacity will be incapable of meeting the demands. The book emphasizes the benefits and challenges associated with the integration of 5G networks with varied applications. Further, the book gathers and investigates the most recent 5G-based resear…
This book presents a paradigm for designing new generation resilient and evolving computer systems, including their key concepts, elements of supportive theory, methods of analysis and synthesis of ICT with new properties of evolving functioning, as well as implementation schemes and their prototyping. The book explains why new ICT applications require a complete redesign of computer systems to…
Sasan Adibi (BS’95, MS’99, MS’05, PhD’10, SMIEEE’11) has a PhD degree in Communication and Information Systems from University of Waterloo, Canada and the recipient of the best PhD thesis award from the IEEE Society. He is currently involved in the research, design, implementation, and application Electronic Health (eHealth) and Mobile Health (mHealth). Sasan’s research publication …