With a wealth of exciting data emerging in this rapidly evolving field this book will review the state-of-the-art knowledge with emphasis on multidisciplinary decision and management of head and neck cancer. The book provides significant detail on a wide range of topics including: the role of new targets for treatment, immunotherapy, resistance mechanisms, standardizing molecular profiling prog…
This open access book describes strategies and experiences of highly skilled professionals in improving oncology care worldwide. The book is structured into three main sections with several chapters each, reflecting the authors' individual, real-life experiences. It explores ways to improve oncology education and scientific training, how to set up and run a clinical research facility ethical…
The aim of this open access book is to provide a unique, timely, critical and comprehensive compilation of more than 30 years of robust international experimental and clinical research related to the basic science and therapeutic application of water-filtered infrared-A (wIRA) and hyperthermia in oncology, psychiatry (depression), musculoskeletal disorders, dermatology, infectiology, and surger…
Cancer screening is a prominent strategy in cancer control in the United States, yet the ability to correctly interpret cancer screening data eludes many researchers, clinicians, and policy makers. This open access primer rectifies that situation by teaching readers, in simple language and with straightforward examples, why and how the population-level cancer burden changes when screening is im…
This is an Open Access book. This book is a must-have for healthcare providers and researchers, public health specialists and policy makers who are interested and involved in cancer care in the Arab world. The Arab world consists of 22 countries, which are members of the Arab League and spanning over 13,132,327 km2 with over 423,000,000 population. Over the past few decades, the Arab world…
Hepatocellular cancer is the fifth most common cancer, with 600,000 new cases reported each year worldwide. Additionally, exciting changes in the science of HCC in the last four years have turned the practice of diagnosing and treating the disease upside down. In Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition, the leading experts in the field of HCC thoroughly update and expa…
This open access book will provide a foundation for the understanding of, and knowledge for a successful routine use of diagnostic Nuclear Medicine procedures in children through expertise and cases provided by representative busy pediatric nuclear medicine facilities. The book highlights important aspects of nuclear medicine in children and the differences between adult and pediatric practice …
Dieses Buch ist eine Open-Access-Publikation unter einer Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0). Bewährt und einfach zu handhaben: praxisorientierte Sammlung von Chemotherapie-Protokollen zur Behandlung von Tumorpatienten mit soliden und hämatologischen Erkrankungen. Wie schon in den Vorauflagen finden sich auf einen Blick Detailinformationen zu Chemotherapie, Begle…
This book (an updated and extended edition) is about mobilizing women and health care policy makers and providers to unite their efforts in a single strategy for fighting cervical cancer worldwide. The objective of this strategy would be to reverse cervical cancer prevalence and mortality rates among all 2.4 billion women at risk and to achieve this goal within 10-15 years of implementation. Ce…