Kumpulan penelitian asli ini menyediakan survei komprehensif tentang perkembangan di garis depan pemrograman berorientasi objek konkuren. Buku ini mendokumentasikan kemajuan -- dari konsep umum hingga deskripsi khusus -- dalam desain bahasa pemrograman, alat semantik, sistem, arsitektur, dan aplikasi. Bab-bab ditulis pada tingkat tutorial dan dapat diakses oleh khalayak luas, termasuk peneliti,…
Kumpulan penelitian asli ini menyediakan survei komprehensif tentang perkembangan di garis depan pemrograman berorientasi objek konkuren. Buku ini mendokumentasikan kemajuan -- dari konsep umum hingga deskripsi khusus -- dalam desain bahasa pemrograman, alat semantik, sistem, arsitektur, dan aplikasi. Bab-bab ditulis pada tingkat tutorial dan dapat diakses oleh khalayak luas, termasuk peneliti,…
Saat memikirkan persamaan kuadrat Diophantine, serangkaian asosiasi muncul di benak seseorang. Bentuk kuadrat Gauss dan hubungannya dengan kelompok kelas, satuan dasar bidang kuadrat nyata dan persamaan Pell, representasi bilangan bulat sebagai jumlah dari dua atau empat kuadrat, atau persamaan yang tampaknya tidak bersalah p = x 2 + ny 2 dan hubungannya dengan bentuk norma bidang kuadrat imaji…
Buku ini memberikan gambaran umum tentang aplikasi dan pengembangan teori dalam analisis p-adic, khususnya hubungannya dengan fisika, sistem kompleks, dan proses stokastik. Perhitungan terstruktur dan rincianpoint-poin utama: 1. Motivasi dan Penerapannya: o Motivasi Fisika: analisis p-adic telah menemukan hubungan karena potensi relevansinya dalam fisika partikel (karya I. Volovich tentang stru…
A noted philosopher draws on the empirical results and conceptual resources of cognitive neuroscience to address questions about the nature of knowledge. In Plato's Camera, eminent philosopher Paul Churchland offers a novel account of how the brain constructs a representation--or "takes a picture"--of the universe's timeless categorical and dynamical structure. This construction process, which …
A groundbreaking, comprehensive formal theory of grammatical person that recasts its empirical foundations and re-envisions its theoretical core."Impossible persons, Daniel Harbour's comprehensive and groundbreaking formal theory of grammatical person, upends understanding of a universal and ubiquitous grammatical category. Breaking with much past work, Harbour establishes three core theses, on…
In Syntax in the Treetops, Shigeru Miyagawa proposes that syntax extends into the domain of discourse by making linkages between core syntax and the conversational participants. Miyagawa draws on evidence for this extended syntactic structure from a wide variety of languages, including Basque, Japanese, Italian, Magahi, Newari, Romanian, and Spanish, as well as the language of children with aut…
How do people tell of experiences, things and events that mean a lot to them and are unforgettable? Eight Nordic folklorists here examine personal experience stories and the way they are narrated in an attempt to gain an understanding of the people behind them and to reveal how these people handle their history, their lives and their cultural memory. All the articles are based on interviews and…
Warm conveyor belts (WCBs) are weather systems that substantially modulate the large-scale extratropical circulation. As they can amplify forecast errors and project them onto the Rossby wave pattern, they are of high relevance for numerical weather prediction. This work elaborates on two aspects of WCBs in the context of ensemble forecasts: (1) sensitivities of WCBs to the representation of in…
Musical worlds in Yogyakarta is an ethnographic account of a vibrant Indonesian city during the turbulent early post-Soeharto years. The book examines musical performance in public contexts ranging from the street and neighbourhood through to commercial venues and state environments such as Yogyakarta’s regional parliament, its military institutions, universities and the Sultan’s palace. It…