Introduction 1 Challenges of judicial reasoning in beginning and end-of-life cases 2 Ways of judicial reasoning ⁰́₃ outline 3 Ways of reasoning in medically assisted procreation and surrogacy cases 4 Ways of reasoning in abortion cases 5 Ways of reasoning in end-of
Animal production Animal nutritionAnimal reproduction and breedingAnimal product and agribusinessLivestock engineering
This open access book is a collection of accepted papers from the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE2021). Researchers and engineers have discussed and presented around three major topics, i.e., construction and structural mechanics, building materials, and transportation and traffic. The content provide new ideas and practical experiences for both scientists and profession…
This open access book is a collection of accepted papers from the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE2021). Researchers and engineers have discussed and presented around three major topics, i.e., construction and structural mechanics, building materials, and transportation and traffic. The content provide new ideas and practical experiences for both scientists and profession…
etra Künkel is an executive board member of the International Club of Rome and the founder of the Collective Leadership Institute, a Germany, USA and South Africa-based social enterprise building collaboration competency for transformative change towards world sustainability. As a seasoned systems psychologist, visionary author and expert in complex multi-stakeholder settings, she promotes sys…
This open access book explores the intersection of property law, relocation, and resettlement processes in the United States and among communities that grapple with migration as an adaptation strategy. As communities face the prospect of relocating because of rising seas, policy makers, disaster specialists, and community leaders are scrambling to understand what adaptation pathways are legally…
Daten verfügen als digitale Güter über enormes Innovationspotential. Die Möglichkeit der Patentierung von Daten ist jedoch bisher weitgehend unerforscht. Ausgehend von einem patentrechtlich definierten Datenbegriff entwickelt Dr. jur. Fabian Landscheidt in diesem Open-Access-Buch daher praxistaugliche, verfassungskonforme und mit der aktuellen Entscheidungspraxis der deutschen und europäis…