This open access book provides a current view on education, equity and inclusion within the lens of education for a sustainable North. The first book published by the University of the Arctic Thematic Network for Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity (Including the North: A comparative study of the policies on inclusion and equity in the circumpolar North, 2019) highlighted policie…
This open-access book brings together international experts who shed new light on the status of social enterprises, benefit corporations and other purpose-driven companies. The respective chapters take a multidisciplinary approach (combining law, philosophy, history, sociology and economics) and provide valuable insights on fostering social entrepreneurship and advancing the common good. In …
This open access book offers a new account on the legal conflict between privacy and trade in the digital sphere. It develops a fundamental rights theory with a new right to continuous protection of personal data and explores the room for the application of this new right in trade law. Replicable legal analysis and practical solutions show the way to deal with cross-border data flows without vi…
Dieses Open-Access Buch erläutert in einer praxisnahen Darstellung, wie sich Erbstreitigkeiten durch eine Mediation zügig und für alle Beteiligten sehr befriedigend beilegen lassen. Auf der Grundlage ihrer jahrelangen Mediationspraxis berichten die Verfasser, warum sich erbrechtliche Konflikte in besonderer Weise für pragmatische Kompromisse eignen und wie es gelingt, die Erben auf diesen W…
This book is an open access book. Many scholars have wondered if a non-Western theory of international politics founded on different premises, be it from Asia or from the “Global South,” could release international relations from the grip of a Western, “Westphalian” model. This book argues that a Buddhist approach to international relations could provide a genuine alternative. Because o…
This open-access book presents cutting-edge research on securitization and democratic development in the OSCE Region. Gathering contributions by practitioners and researchers from various disciplines, it presents case studies and highlights recent activities of proactive engagement in democratic institution-building and responding to security threats from the Balkans to Central Asia. The volume…
This multidisciplinary Open Access book provides nine problem-solving lectures for sustainable development for the planet and prosperity. Those are two of the five keywords for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): people, the planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships, or “the 5Ps”. Each of these lectures is classified into one of the keywords for SDGs and based on law, econom…
This open access book presents a topical, comprehensive and differentiated analysis of Germany’s public administration and reforms. It provides an overview on key elements of German public administration at the federal, Länder and local levels of government as well as on current reform activities of the public sector. It examines the key institutional features of German public administration…
This open access book provides an updated and fully revised 4th edition of this authoritative analysis of Swiss democracy. It particularly explains the institutions of federalism and consensus government through political power sharing. In this new edition, the authors also address several important changes and challenges that have affected Swiss democracy, including the country's relationship …
Das Handbuch ist vollständig als Open Access Publikation verfügbar. Dieses Handbuch bietet eine umfassende Analyse der Außenpolitik Österreichs in der Zweiten Republik. Es behandelt die Rahmenbedingungen, Akteure und Prozesse der Außenpolitik und erschließt deren Wesen und Wirkung in verschiedenen Politikbereichen sowie gegenüber einzelnen Ländern, Regionen und internationalen Orga…