"A Bradford book.""The computer analogy of the mind has been as widely adopted in contemporary cognitive neuroscience as was the analogy of the brain as a collection of organs in phrenology. Just as the phrenologist would insist that each organ must have its particular function, so contemporary cognitive neuroscience is committed to the notion that each brain region must have its fundamental co…
The book traces the story of the brain throughout evolution and shows how the control of body temperature as a survival mechanism was achieved. From the first unicellular life on Earth, living things have had the capacity to sense heat and cold and to avoid extreme temperatures. With the development of a bigger brain and a constant body temperature, mammals were able to change their habitats…
"The idea that human history is approaching a 'singularity'--that ordinary humans will someday be overtaken by artificially intelligent machines or cognitively enhanced biological intelligence, or both--has moved from the realm of science fiction to serious debate. Some singularity theorists predict that if the field of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to develop at its current dizzying r…
A neurologist and Zen practitioner clarifies the benefits of meditative training, drawing on classical Buddhist literature and modern brain research."In Zen-Brain Horizons, James Austin draws on his decades of experience as a neurologist and Zen practitioner to clarify the benefits of meditative training. Austin integrates classical Buddhist literature with modern brain research, exploring the …
Over the past four decades, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and key urban regions of China have emerged as global cities - in financial, political, cultural, environmental, and demographic terms. In this book, Robert Gottlieb and Simon Ng trace the global emergence of these urban areas and compare their responses to a set of six urban environmental issues. These cities have different patterns of develo…
Literasi adalah upaya yang kompleks. Bayangkan seorang anak berusia tiga tahun, yang dengan penuh semangat mendengarkan cerita pengantar tidur yang sama yang dia dengar malam demi malam, sesekali menimpali dan memberitahu Anda jika Anda melewatkan satu kata atau secara tidak sengaja membalik halaman tanpa menyelesaikan paragraf terakhir. Atau bayangkan seorang anak berusia empat tahun, yang tan…
Buku ini didasarkan pada hasil kajian eksperimental dan teoritis yang disajikan dalam artikel dan konferensi. Awalnya, penelitian difokuskan pada proses yang menyertai pelepasan muatan listrik dalam air. Proses-proses ini meliputi: gelombang kejut, penyinaran UV, pembentukan nanopartikel (sebagai akibat erosi termoelektrik pada elektroda logam), fotolisis yang disertai dengan pembentukan hidrog…
Seri buku Neuroscience and Respiration menyajikan kontribusi para peneliti ahli dan dokter di bidang gangguan paru. Bab-bab ini memberikan ikhtisar tepat waktu mengenai isu-isu kontroversial atau kemajuan terkini dalam diagnosis, klasifikasi, dan pengobatan seluruh rangkaian kelainan paru, baik akut maupun kronis. Teks-teks tersebut dianggap sebagai penggabungan penelitian dasar dan klinis yang…
"A Bradford book."In I of the Vortex, Rodolfo Llinas, a founding father of modern brain science, presents an original view of the evolution and nature of mind. According to Llinas, the 'mindness state' evolved to allow predictive interactions between mobile creatures and their environment. He illustrates the early evolution of mind through a primitive animal called the 'sea squirt.' The mobile …
Scholars have long been captivated by the parallels between birdsong and human speech and language. In this book, leading scholars draw on the latest research to explore what birdsong can tell us about the biology of human speech and language and the consequences for evolutionary biology. After outlining the basic issues involved in the study of both language and evolution, the contributors com…