As children, we would have spilt glasses of milk, dropped things, and broken things. As children, therefore, we would have developed intuitions about how the world?works?, but we would not necessarily have been able to explain these?workings?. It would only have been till we entered formal schooling that we would have learned codifications of canon within each respective discipline, and consequ…
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA 2015, held in Patras, Greece, in September 2015, as part of ALGO 2015. The 86 revised full papers presented together with two invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 320 initial submissions: 71 out of 261 in Track A, Design and Analysis, and 15 out of 59 in Track B, Eng…
Female genital malformations represent miscellaneous deviations from normal anatomy. With a prevalence of approximately 6% in the general population, they might be associated with health problems, potentially dangerous complications or poor reproductive outcome depending on the type and the degree of the anatomical abnormality. During the last two decades the better understanding of their patho…
Why do females in male-philopatric species seem to show larger variation in their life history strategies than males in female-philopatric species? Why did females in human societies come to show enormous variation in the patterns of marriage, residence, and mating activities? To tackle these important questions, this book presents the latest knowledge about the dispersing females in male-philo…
Edited by two leading academics in this area, and with contributions from 25 prominent market practitioners and academics over 16 chapters, this Handbook covers shipping finance and banking, maritime financial management and investments. As such, it includes: shipping markets; asset backed finance; shipbuilding finance; debt finance; public and private equity and debt markets; structured financ…
This book summarizes the results of 3 years of agricultural and forestry reconstructive efforts and applied research conducted directly in the affected areas of Fukushima following the Great East Japan Earthquake. It describes fast and effective revival methods and technologies from tsunami and radiation damages, demonstrated through the collaborative efforts of researchers, students, local far…
Elemen ini meninjau bukti untuk tiga kondisi tempat kerja yang penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan keselamatan dalam perawatan kesehatan: kepegawaian; keamanan psikologis, kerja tim, dan berbicara; dan kesehatan staf dan kesejahteraan di tempat kerja. Para penulis mengusulkan bahwa ini adalah prasyarat lingkungan untuk perbaikan. Mereka memeriksa bagaimana jumlah staf dan keterampilan terka…
Audio signal processing is a highly active research field where digital signal processing theory meets human sound perception and real-time programming requirements. It has a wide range of applications in computers, gaming, and music technology, to name a few of the largest areas. Successful applications include, for example, perceptual audio coding, digital music synthesizers, and music recogn…
Learn from state-of-the-art examples in robotics, motors, detection filters, chemical processes, aircraft, and spacecraft. This is a practical reference for industry engineers using MATLAB to solve everyday problems. With MATLAB Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach you will review contemporary MATLAB coding including the latest language features and use MATLAB as a software development environm…
This three-chapter volume concerns the distributions of certain functionals of Lévy processes. The first chapter, by Makoto Maejima, surveys representations of the main sub-classes of infinitesimal distributions in terms of mappings of certain Lévy processes via stochastic integration. The second chapter, by Lars Nørvang Andersen, Søren Asmussen, Peter W. Glynn and Mats Pihlsgård, concerns…