Cognition and the Child Witness: Understanding the Impact of Cognitive Development in Forensic Contexts
Beyond the Black-and-White of Autism: How Cognitive Performance Varies with Context
Attachment Theory in the Assessment and Promotion of Parental Competency in Child Protection Cases
Ages and Abilities explores social responses to childhood stages from the late Neolithic to Classical Antiquity in Central Europe and the Mediterranean and includes cross-cultural comparison to expand the theoretical and methodological framework. By comparing osteological and archaeological evidence, as well as integrating images and texts, authors consider whether childhood age classes are arc…
This collection of essays and stories represents my attempt, from the vantage point of an impending half-century, to revisit a time and a place I have taken for granted or ignored, to reflect on an experience not recorded in written texts but which was, at the time, profoundly important in shaping the life of the post-war generation ofIndo-Fijian children: that is, the experience of growing u…
Germany has had a profound influence on English stories for children. The Brothers Grimm, The Swiss Family Robinson and Johanna Spyri’s Heidi quickly became classics but, as David Blamires clearly articulates in this volume, many other works have been fundamental in the development of English children’s stories during the 19th century and beyond.
Denne bog handler om to slags samtaler, som bestræber sig på at være dialogiske:· - samtaler i en daginstitution inden for specialområdet mellem forældre og pædagoger, som sammen søger at skabe bedre udviklingsmuligheder for børnene, og - samtaler i et aktionsforskningsprojekt mellem pædagogerne og aktionsforskere, som sammen søger at skabe bedre arbejdsrutiner i daginstitutionen til…
Fundamentado na perspectiva histórico-cultural, este livro identifica as características do brincar das crianças nas idades de seis e sete anos, período de passagem da Educação infantil para o Ensino Fundamental. Analisa ainda em que circunstâncias os educadores criam espaços para as brincadeiras e como o fazem. Trata-se de um tema de grande atualidade num momento em que as instituiçõ…
Die Auseinandersetzung mit Werten und Normen ist ein fester Bestandteil frühkindlicher Bildung. Angesichts vielfältiger sozialer Wandlungsprozesse und eines sich zunehmend polarisierenden gesellschaftlichen Klimas hat dieser Auftrag jüngst weiteres Gewicht erhalten. Fachpraxis und Politik reagieren mit pädagogischen Maßnahmen und Programmen, die sich mit »Demokratie Lernen« oder »Demokr…
Overview: This module provides a overview of the power of teaching with a trauma-informed lens. The content was created by the faculty members at the following institutions: Chicago State University, Olive-Harvey Community College, South Subrurban College and Prairie State College. The module was designed to be added to the child development course or other introdcutory educationals course that…