"A Bradford book."Graphical models use graphs to represent and manipulate joint probability distributions. They have their roots in artificial intelligence, statistics, and neural networks. The clean mathematical formalism of the graphical models framework makes it possible to understand a wide variety of network-based approaches to computation, and in particular to understand many neural netwo…
A mathematical framework that describes learning of invariant representations in the ventral stream, offering both theoretical development and applications.The ventral visual stream is believed to underlie object recognition in primates. Over the past fifty years, researchers have developed a series of quantitative models that are increasingly faithful to the biological architecture. Recently, …
Innovation is the subject of countless books and courses, but there's very little out there about how you actually innovate. Innovation and entrepreneurship are not one and the same, although aspiring innovators often think of them that way. They are told to get an idea and a team and to build a show-and-tell for potential investors. In Innovating, Luis Perez-Breva describes another approach --…
The EU has, for a long time, portrayed itself as an international leader on climate change. Previous studies have tended to focus on the characteristics of EU leadership, but have failed to examine the extent to which EU leadership generates 'followship'. This book analyzes EU climate policies towards China and India in order to provide a holistic assessment of EU climate leadership, and makes …
"What links conscious experience of pain, joy, color, and smell to bioelectrical activity in the brain? How can anything physical give rise to nonphysical, subjective, conscious states? Christof Koch has devoted much of his career to bridging the seemingly unbridgeable gap between the physics of the brain and phenomenal experience. This engaging book--part scientific overview, part memoir, part…
A neurologist and Zen practitioner clarifies the benefits of meditative training, drawing on classical Buddhist literature and modern brain research."In Zen-Brain Horizons, James Austin draws on his decades of experience as a neurologist and Zen practitioner to clarify the benefits of meditative training. Austin integrates classical Buddhist literature with modern brain research, exploring the …
Dengan berkembangnya teori neural networks, banyak model dan konsep stabilitas telah berkembang. neural networks berulang (RNN), yang dikenal karena perannya dalam memori asosiatif dan penyimpanan informasi, merupakan contoh evolusi ini. Kaitan antara neural networks tiruan (JST) dan neural networks biologis (BNN) menggarisbawahi gagasan bahwa JST, meskipun versi BNN yang disederhanakan secara …
Paris adalah kota kosmopolitan di mana kehidupan yang meriah, museum-museum yang indah, dan ilmu pengetahuan yang unggul dapat ditemukan. Pada konferensi IUMS XI yang diadakan di kota inilah seri buku Pseudomonas pertama kali dibayangkan. Di baris pertama auditorium duduk sekelompok ilmuwan terkemuka di bidangnya, yang setelah mencurahkan sebagian besar waktunya yang berharga, berkontribusi den…
Buku ini merupakan kutipan dari kata pengantar atau pengantar buku tentang teori bilangan analitik, yang secara khusus berfokus pada bentuk modular dan teori fungsi-L yang didekati melalui analisis pseudodiferensial. Berikut rincian gagasan dan tema utama yang dibahas dalam bagian tersebut: Motivasi dan Pendekatan: Penulis bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi teori bilangan analitik, khususnya teori …
Buku ini memberikan gambaran umum tentang aplikasi dan pengembangan teori dalam analisis p-adic, khususnya hubungannya dengan fisika, sistem kompleks, dan proses stokastik. Perhitungan terstruktur dan rincianpoint-poin utama: 1. Motivasi dan Penerapannya: o Motivasi Fisika: analisis p-adic telah menemukan hubungan karena potensi relevansinya dalam fisika partikel (karya I. Volovich tentang stru…