This open access book aims to emphasize the potential for Japan, Europe and Indo-Pacific countries including the US to respond to shared domestic and international challenges on finding joint ways to uphold and develop the liberal international order (LIO) in the Asian Pacific region and the world. It explores how these countries and the region (the EU) can work together to promote solidarity a…
This open-access book analyses how stakeholder relationships impact the sustainability of health aid. It does this by providing an overarching analytical framework, which allows for a systematic analysis of sustainability, relationships, and a possible causal link between these phenomena. The book goes beyond universal paradigms and detailed single-case studies by offering a thorough analysis o…
The response from the jewelry industry to a campaign for ethically sourced gold as a case study in the power of business in global environmental politics. Gold mining can be a dirty business. It creates immense amounts of toxic materials that are difficult to dispose of. Mines are often developed without community consent, and working conditions for miners can be poor. Income from gold has fund…
Semua disiplin akademis secara berkala menilai efektivitasnya, mengevaluasi kemajuan penelitian sebelumnya dan menilai pendekatan mana yang berguna dan mana yang tidak. Meskipun tidak ada bidang yang dapat bertahan hidup jika tidak melakukan apa pun selain menilai kemajuannya, penilaian sesekali penting dan jika dilakukan dengan baik dapat membantu memajukan bidang tersebut. Buku ini menyelidik…
Warna merupakan subjek yang sangat menarik bagi para filsuf, ilmuwan, dan orang awam, serta merupakan mikrokosmos yang instruktif dari ilmu kognitif. Dalam kedua antologi ini, Alex Byrne dan David Hilbert menyajikan survei tentang tulisan-tulisan filosofis dan ilmiah terkini yang penting tentang warna. Pendahuluan pada volume 1 menyediakan latar belakang filosofis dan menghubungkan isu-isu filo…
The book analyzes socioeconomic through the lens of a lawyer. In the past decade the world has witnessed some severe financial and economic crises, especially the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The author states that the socio-economic order has in the past four to five decades been thoroughly redesigned, generally favouring models that priorit…
In diesem Open-Access-Buch geht es um die Frage, wie Leser*innen in Deutschland automatisiert generierte Nachrichten wahrnehmen und welche Bedeutung sie den Verfahren im Journalismus zuschreiben. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, ob das Publikum dem automatisierten Journalismus vertraut und welche Einflussfaktoren bei dieser Entscheidung eine Rolle spielen. Zur empirischen Überprüfung wurden Fo…
Selama dekade terakhir, sekelompok kecil ekonom telah menantang kebijaksanaan tradisional tentang perdagangan internasional. Memikirkan Kembali Perdagangan Internasional memberikan penjelasan yang koheren tentang program penelitian ini dan menelusuri langkah-langkah kunci dalam teori perdagangan baru yang menarik yang menawarkan, di antara kemungkinan-kemungkinan lain, argumen-argumen baru yang…
The first quarter of the 21st century introduced the world to rapid uncertainty, be it the social-political and financial crises, or pandemics, or the shaking up of well-established democracies with an increasing rise in populism. At the same time, the technological promise has taken off with automation, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnologies increasingly becoming an economic reality. Th…
This open access book provides an analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on diverse education systems, and of the results of the policies adopted to sustain educational opportunities. Through a series of diverse national case studies, the book examines the preexisting fragilities and vulnerabilities in educational structures which shaped the nature of the varied responses, around the …