Process controls is a mixture between the statistics and engineering discipline that deals with the mechanism, architectures, and algorithms for controlling a process. Some examples of controlled processes are: •Controlling the temperature of a water stream by controlling the amount of steam added to the shell of a heat exchanger. •Operating a jacketed reactor isothermally by controlling …
This collection addresses concepts and theories of change, contexts and functions of reform discourses, and fields of change in educational research. It examines a wide variety of issues such as girls’ education in France, educational neuroscience, the professionalization in Child Protection, and mathematics discourses. It pays attention to the pervasiveness of crisis rhetoric in American Edu…
This book offers fresh insight and understanding of the many ways in which children, youth and adults may find their paths to mathematics. The chapters of the volume offer and analyse promising new ways into mathematics. The focus is on spaces and modalities of learning, dialogue and inquiry, embodiment and aesthetic experience, information and communication technology and on the use of mathema…
How does one become a successful leader? This book teaches the theories and concepts behind leadership and explains the skills and traits needed to become a good leader. Teaching surgical faculty and trainees (i.e., residents and fellows) how to successfully lead will create more effective surgeon leaders. The skills and theories reviewed in this Volume are highly useful for numerous leadersh…
This book takes a fresh look at professional practice and professional education. In times of increased managerialism of academic teaching and a focus on graduate learning outcomes, it discusses possibilities to teach and learn otherwise. A deliberate professional is someone who consciously, thoughtfully and courageously makes choices about how to act and be in the practice world. A pedagogy of…
Comprised exclusively of clinical cases covering ectopic pregnancy, this concise, practical casebook will provide clinicians in reproductive medicine and obstetrics/gynecology with the best real-world strategies to properly diagnose and treat the various forms of the condition they may encounter. Each chapter is a case that opens with a unique clinical presentation, followed by a description of…
A central theme of this book is that there is, or should be, a constant struggle going on in every organization, business, and system. The struggle is fueled by the dynamic tension that exists between delivering Midas feature-rich versions of products and services using extravagant engineering and delivering low-cost Hermes versions of products and services using frugal engineering (see the…
Learn about entrepreneurship and what makes entrepreneurs successful, all while developing your entrepreneurial skills
This book is about understanding the nature and application of reflection in higher education. It provides a theoretical model to guide the implementation of reflective learning and reflective practice across multiple disciplines and international contexts in higher education. The book presents research into the ways in which reflection is both considered and implemented in different ways acros…
This work establishes linear-scaling density-functional theory (DFT) as a powerful tool for understanding enzyme catalysis, one that can complement quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) and molecular dynamics simulations. The thesis reviews benchmark studies demonstrating techniques capable of simulating entire enzymes at the ab initio quantum-mechanical level of accuracy. DFT has trans…