Top researchers in prosody and psycholinguistics present their research and their views on the role of prosody in processing speech and also its role in reading. The volume characterizes the state of the art in an important area of psycholinguistics. How are general constraints on prosody (‘timing’) and intonation (‘melody’) used to constrain the parsing and interpretation of spoken lan…
At the ICAB 2014, researchers from around the world will gather to discuss the latest scientific research, findings and technologies concerning Microbial Genetics and Breeding, Optimization and Control of Biological Processes, Biological Separation and Biological Purification, and Advances in Biotechnology. This conference will provide a platform for academic exchange on the application of bio…
At the ICAB 2014, researchers from around the world will gather to discuss the latest scientific research, findings and technologies concerning Microbial Genetics and Breeding, Optimization and Control of Biological Processes, Biological Separation and Biological Purification, and Advances in Biotechnology. This conference will provide a platform for academic exchange on the application of bio…
This volume brings together some of the most recent developments in the field of experimental pragmatics, specifically empirical approaches to theoretical issues in presupposition theory. It includes studies of the online processing of presupposed content; investigations of the interpretive properties of presuppositions in various linguistic contexts; comparative perspectives relative to other …
This book translates the new findings in exercise research for the elderly for busy practitioners, trainees, students and administrators. This book provides practical strategies that can be implemented immediately in the common settings in which practitioners care for adults. The format includes key points and case examples which showcase the strong evidence supporting exercise by older adults …
This book is devoted to grain legumes and include eight chapters devoted to the breeding of specific grain legume crops and five general chapters dealing with important topics which are common to most of the species in focus. Soybean is not included in the book as it is commonly considered an oil crop more than a grain legume and is included in the Oil Crops Volume of the Handbook of Plant Bree…
This book investigates Chinese comprehension and treatment of the relationship between language and reality. The work examines ancient Chinese philosophy through the pair of concepts known as ming-shi. By analyzing the pre-Qin thinkers’ discourse on ming and shi, the work explores how Chinese philosophers dealt with issues not only in language but also in ontology, epistemology, ethics, axiol…
This book presents a holistic view of the complex and dynamic responses of plants to nanoparticles, the signal transduction mechanisms involved, and the regulation of gene expression. Further, it addresses the phytosynthesis of nanoparticles, the role of nanoparticles in the antioxidant systems of plants and agriculture, the beneficial and harmful effects of nanoparticles on plants, and the app…
This is the first comprehensive review of the edge-to-edge technique for mitral repair, which was introduced into the surgical armamentarium in 1991 by one of the authors, Ottavio Alfieri. The surgical technique employed in edge-to-edge repair today provides the basis for the only reliable method of percutaneous correction of degenerative mitral regurgitation. The book traces the evolution of t…
Controlled radical polymerization techniques for molecular imprinting, by Mark E. Byrne From bulk polymers to nanoparticles, by Lei Ye Post-imprinting and in-cavity functionalization, by Toshifumi Takeuchi Characterization of MIPs (affinity, selectivity, site heterogeneity…), by Richard Ansell Theoretical aspects and computer modelling, by Ian Nicholls MIPs in aqueous environments, by Bi…